• I’ve been searching for a week, for a slideshow that works how I want it to, and SuperSlider seemed to be perfect—but I can’t get it to display properly.

    – The slideshow won’t center on the page (the larger I make it, the more it hangs off the right side, but even when I make it small, it won’t center)

    – the thumbnails won’t display below the main image, but rather are on top of it (and sometimes it’s a ghosted box with tiny thumbnails, sometimes no thumbnails)

    – also, I can’t find a setting that will show both horizontal and vertical images in a good way: the verticals keep getting chopped off

    Here’s the page I have it on for testing

    Please help? I’m doing this for a friend,and I really, really don’t want to go looking for a different slideshow—this one is perfect, if I can get it to work!


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