Unfortunately you weren’t on the mailing list to get the announcement.
We did our best to contact every publisher, but as you can imagine it’s not possible to catch all. We also announced on our blog.
The PrintFriendly plugin from its inception has been advertisement supported. This allowed us to deliver value to publishers, like you, at a fantastic price – Free! Unfortunately, we’ve been forced to discontinue advertising in the plugin, so we are having to make some changes.
Starting Nov 22nd, the plugin will work a little different. Instead of generating the print preview using javascript in the browser, the preview will be generated from our domain, printfriendly.com.
This change will not affect the vast majority of websites. However, some websites will need to upgrade to PrintFriendly & PDF Pro.
Which websites need PrintFriendly & Pro?
Password protected pages (ex: members only pages).
Intranets, or sites not accessible from the internet.
Sites using javascript to display content (ex. Angular/React applications)
What should I do to restore PrintFriendly & PDF functionality if my site is affected?
Simply purchase Printfriendly & PDF.
How can I check if my site is affected?
You can check by copy/pasting the URL of a post page (not a category or home page) on https://www.printfriendly.com/url-check.
What should I do if my site is not affected?
Nothing! You’re all set, no further action required.
Thanks for your support! We look forward to serving you in the future.