what are you talking about ??????
1. I want have a blog where I can go and read comments dealing to thema
2. I am not always on the blog … so I someone replys to my post and I am notified about it VIA EMAIL WHY CANT I WITH THE SAME EMAIL ANSWER ?
advantage my post will by added to my blog and other people can react
how do you want to do in an open comunity with mail server ?????
you need all comennts togeather and ??? what is the purpouse of the blog ??
radin through comments you can get a picture and answering to it with email will increase flexibility
and I am no talking about icq ?? .. comments like hi you are so cute… thx you too …xixi thx
but comments to a post dealing 5000words … commented with 500 words and do it commfortably in your account … and simple post it not as a separate post but as a comment
I cant imagine like going through 10 posts reading one article