Thanks for using my plugin! I checked the plugin again, and it’s working fine for me on WP 5.3.2. In order to troubleshoot more, I have a couple of questions:
Can you tell me if you can see the reviews in the backend of your site (in the Podcast Reviews menu)? If you can see them there in the backend, then it’s probably a conflict with your theme or another plugin.
Also, can you share the exact URL you have in the text box in the plugin menu? If it’s a problem with this plugin, I would like to test your specific URL to see if it’s a unique case.
I put out an update to this plugin about 2 months ago. Are you using the current version of this plugin (3.7)?
If you are on 3.7, did you notice this problem right after upgrading the plugin to version 3.7? Or did you upgrade the plugin a while ago without issue, and just notice the reviews disappearing now? If that’s the case, it might be a conflict with one of your other plugins that you recently upgraded.
By the way, I agree with not upgrading WordPress core immediately, but only when it’s a major update (just one period in the version number). In this case, I’m staying on 5.3.2 and not upgrading to 5.4 until a couple of weeks go by without an update, or when 5.4.1 comes out. The major updates are feature-based, and do not contain security fixes, so they’re more likely to break something. However, when it’s a minor update (two periods in the version number), it’s usually a security fix, and you should upgrade those right away. For example, when version 5.3.2 came out, I upgraded immediately.