• Resolved Anonymous User 14884965


    Hi there!

    I’ve made the update of the plugin to the news version and the plugin stopped working. I was getting 85 on Google Speed Test and all content was perfect, but now the plugin does not eliminate the render blocking above the fold. I don’t know what happened and I can’t even get to the older version because it’s not available anymore. Please, can you tell me the link to download the 2.3.4 version again? Please


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  • Same problem. It does not work anymore. Pagespeed dropped down to 74 (it was 99)

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    I’ve tested it further on live sites running v2.3.4, there appears to be no problem with the upgrade.

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    I’ve tested further and did find the problem at a website. It appears to be related to full page caching.

    Main domain (correct code visible in browser)


    Same content but with a different url


    It almost appears as if there is a bug in Google PageSpeed. The code at the root directory is correct when I test it in multiple browsers (no-cache mode).

    To be able to debug the problem further I have added javascript comment headers to the inline code to be able to see if the correct version is being loaded.

    The plugin has been updated to v2.3.6.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 14884965


    Hi there!

    I’ve just tested the version 2.3.6 and it didn’t work as well. It continues not eliminating render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content. The problem for me is in just two items that the plugin is not being able to eliminate, they are:

    https://(example url).com/wp-content/cache/autoptimize/css/autoptimize_753fa01b2f6ed2cs60933bn63ec9aff017.css



    The version 2.3.4 of the plugin was able to eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content of these two items and I was able to get 80 on Google Speed Test, but now the thigs are different. The plugin is not being able to eliminate and to get the conclusion that the plugin is simply not working, I have disabled the plugin above the content from my website and guess… the result continued the same. The same result I was getting with the plugin active was the same the plugin disabled.

    I’ll do what you said. I’ll send you the print screen on the e-mail you passed and I hope if it’s not possible tell a link to download the 2.3.4 version.


    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    I’ve added an option that allows for fine tuning to the exact break point of the Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content-rule.

    The plugin is updated to v2.3.7.

    Just for the record: there appears to be no bug or problem in the v2.3.5 update. As you can see in the following tests, Google PageSpeed is returning a 80-score and 100-score for the same content. At first sight it appears that the problem is related to caching withing Google PageSpeed Insights.

    Main domain (correct HTML source code visible in browser) – 80-score


    Same content with a different url – 100-score


    after update isn’t working !!! please do something, please, please. I didn’t do the recovery, so i can’t go back to old version. So please undo this update…

    And it crushes my site too…

    Plugin Author optimalisatie



    I did find a bug. In order to resolve a conflict with W3 Total Cache CDN (bug report) I moved the ob_start position to the top (before W3 Total Cache), however, the W3 Total Cache Full Page Cache was thereby stored before the optimization by this plugin, causing the drop in PageSpeed for some websites that were using W3 Total Cache Full Page Cache.

    I have restored the original ob_start configuration of v2.3.4 and included support for W3 Total Cache CDN.

    The problem is resolved in v2.3.9.

    My appologies for the problems that this bug may have caused! I hope that the new optimization and debugging features that were added today benefit some websites to obtain a higher score.

    Best Regards,
    Jan Jaap

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Marked resolved.

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