It is good to see you are still active on IssueM. I have an idea for a feature that you might also want to consider. In brief, please let us make more of the Cover Image that is uploaded to the Edit Issues page when using IssueM.
Currently, the Cover Image can be used as a visual Cue in the Archive. To do this one needs to set the size in IssueM settings and use Appearance>Theme Options>Templates and, there, turn on Featured Images under ‘Archive’. However, this is rather a limited use for the Cover Image which, after all, is a shorthand for a complete edition. IssueM help says that the Cover Image should show briefly when a reader clicks on a Past Issue (Archive) but it certainly doesn’t happen in our set-up (; neither does the Cover Image show when the reader lands on the Current Issue page. As a result, if you don’t provide a .pdf (as we don’t) the whole cover image is only visible in the little used Archive/Past Issue page and, there, it is essential that it is displayed at a small size, not at its native 1536×2048. I would like a way to include the cover image on the Current Issue page. Perhaps it could be placed in a way similar to [issuem_featured_rotator]? Obviously, it would be necessary to also be able to control its size at display time so that the layout works with your theme. Alternatively, it would be good to show the Cover Image first before the Current Issue page with its tables of articles etc. is fully displayed.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by