I am fairly new at all this wordpress site stuff and even newer at the forum stuff.
Disclaimer: I am new at all this and this may not be the right thread at all for my question but here it goes:
I was trying to figure out how to use Splashgate for my needs, but i’m beginning to think I need a different plugin for what i want. I am trying to make a landing page/ splash page with a subscription form that ONLY shows up for first-time visitors. I am willing to use unbounce or optimizely or somehting like that (in fact, I’d LIKE to use one of these) but I just can’t figure out how it would work. I don’t want regular blog readers to have to mess with a subscribe splash page everytime they enter the site, but I DO want first time visitors to receive a splash page that encourages subscription to my email newsletter. I’d rather not go the “user” or “membership” route. I’d rather have a cookies/cache tracker of some kind that just KNOWS whether or not a visitor is a first-timer. (yes, some will clear their cache and get the splashpage again but i’m not worried about that.)
If ANYONE can help me that would be awesome because I am stuck and my boss/client/husband needs me to fix this website!