• Resolved incodeservice1


    Hi, we use the plugin on our website but from the last days it appears spawns post requests constantly, exhausting all the RAM provided by the hosting service. This is an exemple: ghazalparis.com - [19/Dec/2023:15:52:44 +0000] "POST /en/wp-json/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/v1/member-sync?auth=ba09421297bb665fb71a345f319d3a57 HTTP/2.0" 499 0 "-" "MailChimp" | TLSv1.3 | - 6.818 6.817 - 0 NC:000000 UP:-DT ghazalparis.com - [19/Dec/2023:15:52:45 +0000] "POST /en/wp-json/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/v1/member-sync?auth=24e64e6d7902c5dbd5a48d410ee38806 HTTP/2.0" 500 89602 "-" "MailChimp" | TLSv1.3 | 1.114 1.173 1.173 - 0 NC:000000 UP:-DT ghazalparis.com - [19/Dec/2023:15:52:45 +0000] "POST /en/wp-json/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/v1/member-sync?auth=24e64e6d7902c5dbd5a48d410ee38806 HTTP/2.0" 500 89602 "-" "MailChimp" | TLSv1.3 | 0.136 0.136 0.135 - 0 NC:000000 UP:-DT ghazalparis.com - [19/Dec/2023:15:52:45 +0000] "POST /en/wp-json/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/v1/member-sync?auth=24e64e6d7902c5dbd5a48d410ee38806 HTTP/2.0" 500 89602 "-" "MailChimp" | TLSv1.3 | 1.739 1.799 1.798 - 0 NC:000000 UP:-DT ghazalparis.com - [19/Dec/2023:15:52:45 +0000] "POST /en/wp-json/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/v1/member-sync?auth=3c3bf51e049216ec902b88403a56de4a HTTP/2.0" 500 89602 "-" "MailChimp" | TLSv1.3 | 1.105 1.105 1.105 - 0 NC:000000 UP:-DT ghazalparis.com - [19/Dec/2023:15:52:45 +0000] "POST /en/wp-json/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/v1/member-sync?auth=4f9f0208b118d0762cdac4074e9e784c HTTP/2.0" 500 89602 "-" "MailChimp" | TLSv1.3 | 0.770 0.770 0.771 - 0 NC:000000 UP:-DT ghazalparis.com - [19/Dec/2023:15:52:45 +0000] "POST /en/wp-json/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/v1/member-sync?auth=24e64e6d7902c5dbd5a48d410ee38806 HTTP/2.0" 500 89602 "-" "MailChimp" | TLSv1.3 | 1.194 1.194 1.193 - 0 NC:000000 UP:-DT ghazalparis.com - [19/Dec/2023:15:52:45 +0000] "POST /en/wp-json/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/v1/member-sync?auth=24e64e6d7902c5dbd5a48d410ee38806 HTTP/2.0" 500 89602 "-" "MailChimp" | TLSv1.3 | 2.894 2.954 2.953 - 0 NC:000000 UP:-DT ghazalparis.com - [19/Dec/2023:15:52:45 +0000] "POST /en/wp-json/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/v1/member-sync?auth=24e64e6d7902c5dbd5a48d410ee38806 HTTP/2.0" 500 89602 "-" "MailChimp" | TLSv1.3 | 0.885 0.885 0.884 - 0 NC:000000 UP:-DT ghazalparis.com - [19/Dec/2023:15:52:45 +0000] "POST /en/wp-json/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/v1/member-sync?auth=24e64e6d7902c5dbd5a48d410ee38806 HTTP/2.0" 500 89602 "-" "MailChimp" | TLSv1.3 | 1.130 1.191 1.191 - 0 NC:000000 UP:-DT ghazalparis.com - [19/Dec/2023:15:52:45 +0000] "POST /en/wp-json/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/v1/member-sync?auth=24e64e6d7902c5dbd5a48d410ee38806 HTTP/2.0" 500 89602 "-" "MailChimp" | TLSv1.3 | 0.007 0.008 0.008 - 0 NC:000000 UP:-DT ghazalparis.com - [19/Dec/2023:15:52:45 +0000] "POST /en/wp-json/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/v1/member-sync?auth=24e64e6d7902c5dbd5a48d410ee38806 HTTP/2.0" 500 89602 "-" "MailChimp" | TLSv1.3 | 0.007 0.007 0.008 - 0 NC:000000 UP:-DT

    The hosting provider suggested we ask the plugin developers, do you have any idea why this happens? Is it a configuration error?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Jordan Rich


    Good day, To helps us take a look, could you enable the Remote Diagnostics option found on the Settings tab of the Mailchimp for WooCommerce plugin.

    That way we’ll be able to have a closer look at the logs of the site and provide some insight.


    Thread Starter incodeservice1


    Hi Jordan, I did.
    Let me know if you need anything else from my side.


    Plugin Support Jordan Rich


    Thanks you we can now see your store, and information just fine. I’ve reached out to one of our developers to look directly into your store to see if we can provide further insight. Thanks for your patience.

    Plugin Support Jordan Rich


    We recommend completing a plugin/theme conflict audit. As this may uncover any issues that could be causing the excessive use of server resources. I’ve included some directions on how to accomplish that below:

    1. Verify that you are using the latest version of the Mailchimp for WooCommerce plugin.
    2. Switch to the default WooCommerce theme and deactivate all plugins except WooCommerce and Mailchimp for WooCommerce. Then, test the scenario again, preferably in a staging environment.
    3. Test for conflicts by following the guide provided by WooCommerce on fixing theme and plugin conflicts. You can find the guide here: WooCommerce: Fixing Theme and Plugin Conflicts
    4. Review any log errors in the plugin’s logs tab or enable the Remote Diagnostics setting so that the plugin engineers can investigate further.
    5. If you use a caching service like Cloudflare, add an exclusion path for the Mailchimp for WooCommerce plugin to prevent caching conflicts. Set the exclusion path at the server level by creating a rule for the “URL Path” such as /wp-content/plugins/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/.
    6. If the problem persists, try uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin from scratch.
    Plugin Support khungate


    Hi there, we just wanted to check back with you to see if this was still a problem and you were able to work through the previously recommended steps to resolve. Please let us know when you get a moment, we’ll be happy to help troubleshoot further if necessary.

    Plugin Support khungate


    Hi there, we’re going to close out this ticket for now since it’s been a few weeks since we’ve been in touch.

    Please let us know if you still need any help and we’ll be glad to reopen and troubleshoot further. Please note, that the best way to reach us is over at the GitHub plugin page: https://github.com/mailchimp/mc-woocommerce/. From there, you can receive direct responses from the development team, log new issues, download the latest version, and track existing support tickets.

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