I’ve got a first patch completed and available. Apply this diff to 3.4.3 to take the changes.
This *will* fix the errors, but does have some drawbacks. I rearranged the $sociable_known_sites array to use numeric IDs instead of string IDs. I then rearranged the settings form and how it determined active and disabled sites. I’ve tested with adding, deleting and rearranging sites, along with restoring the settings and viewing it on the posts, it works in all scenarios.
The drawbacks are mostly dealing with legacy support and continued support. Applying this patch would require redoing the active sites, as the current setting uses strings and this patch does not, but I have a plan to correct that issue. Continued support is fully possible, but future engines have to be added to the end of the array, which would break the alphabetical order. This array would be much better suited to a table in the database, however.
I found myself having to do some interesting stuff to get it working, especially with that array_merge($active, $disabled) when displaying all the sites. Since array merge scrubs numeric keys, and this patch relies on numeric keys, I had to use a combination of array_combine, array_keys and array_merge to maintain the array as needed and keep functionality intact.
However, as I said in my last post – I’m working blind, so take this fix with a grain of salt. If I can get my VM to replicate the issue before Monday, I’ll do a proper test, otherwise, I will let you know on Monday if this fixes the error in a server that has the error.