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  • Thanks for the write-up.

    Note that you can navigate through posts in the same category using previous_post_link() alone, but it won’t take into account if the user came from a category archive or not.

    Oh Scribu,
    Please help. I have struggled with your plugin for so long. I use atahualpa 3.4.6 with wordpress 2.9.2 and all my posts are in multiple categories. ie, a post called “Best of NZ” is in the “North Island” category as well as in the “Operator-AAT” category.

    All my attempts produce results but only next/prev posts from the ‘default’ category and not from the category which is the currently chosen category. I have done the suggestions from masino_sinaga (above) with the same affect.

    Do I need to use get_referrer_url() when the post is in multiple categories ?
    Regards, Jacinta.

    Paste the URL of your site (if it’s public).

    Also, use to post the code where you are using smarter navigation.

    ok a link is and if you click an item in the table, you would expect to see the next item in the table, at the top of the post. (but probably not in the same order as the table).

    I have tried your standard code and tried different true/false combinations, as follows:

    <?php echo previous_post_smart($format = 'prev &laquo;&laquo; %link',	$title = '%title',$fallback = true,$in_same_cat = true,$excluded_categories = ''); ?>
    <?php echo  next_post_smart($format = ' next &raquo;&raquo; %link',	$title = '%title',$fallback = true,$in_same_cat = false,$excluded_categories = '');?>

    Currently the site is using masino_sinaga’s directions above. See, This is Atahualpa’s NextPrevious.php file which was the only thing to be altered in masino_sinaga’s directions. Snippet from that file is below:

    previous_post_smart($bfa_ata['single_next_prev_older']) :
    /*		previous_post_link($bfa_ata['single_next_prev_older']) :
    		echo ' &nbsp;</div>' . ($bfa_ata['home_single_next_prev'] != '' ?
            '<div class="home"><a href="' . $bfa_ata['get_option_home'] . '/">' .
            $bfa_ata['home_single_next_prev'] . '</a></div>' : '') .
    		'<div class="newer' . ($bfa_ata['home_single_next_prev'] != '' ?
            '-home' : '') . '">&nbsp; ';
    		$bfa_ata['next_prev_orientation'] == 'Older Left, Newer Right' ?
    next_post_smart($bfa_ata['single_next_prev_newer']) :
    		next_post_link($bfa_ata['single_next_prev_newer']) :
    		echo '</div><div class="clearboth"></div></div>';

    Not sure why only one post is displayed at a time. In source display there is just a SPACE where there should be a post (eg in ‘older’ below):
    <div class="navigation-top"><div class="older"> &nbsp;</div><div class="newer">&nbsp; <a href="" rel="prev">Ultimate North Island</a> &raquo;</div><div class="clearboth"></div></div>

    Have you got any suggestions ?
    Kind regards, Jacinta.

    Not sure why only one post is displayed at a time. In source display there is just a SPACE where there should be a post (eg in ‘older’ below):

    That happens when there is no older (or newer) post, respectively.

    Unfortunately it happens on every post…

    There is one category where it works beautifully ( and that is because I added the 6 posts via WP Admin. The others were uploaded to the posts table however I have updated all fields I thought might be needed like:
    wp_term_taxonomy!Count (the number of posts in each category)
    Can you think of any other fields that Smarter Navigation uses that might be causing only 2 posts to display in the category ? Ahh, You said “That happens when there is no older (or newer) post, respectively.” They all have the same date… And I’ve just changed that in the table & PRESTO… Smarter Navigation is just the SMARTEST plugin !!! Thank you so much for your time and patience in developing a really fantastic plugin. Kind regards, Jacinta.

    Scribu I’m not quite there yet… If you choose a category from the menu (say “North Island + Coach”, where here all posts contain “North” in their title, and so are easy to recognise – then click any “North” post), then shouldn’t Smarter Navigation only move Next/Previous through posts containing the word “North” ?? This is not the case. Is there a problem with cookies do you think?

    @ibooktravel: In one of the cookies it should store a list of all the post ids in the Coach-N category, but it doesn’t.

    Maybe you have something that alters the query, like query_posts() etc.

    I’ve noticed the plug-in isn’t working right in Google Chrome (It works on Firefox and Internet Explorer).
    I have the default settings for Chrome and it doesn’t seem to be blocking cookies. Any ideas on why this happens?

    It’s not supposed to block cookies.

    I’ve tested it in Chrome and it works as expected.
    here’s the link

    It could be something I’ve done, since it’s my first website ever, but it doesn’t make much sense that it works on firefox and internet explorer.

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