@te5la – I will have to consider your first suggestion more. I set up the quiz as it is now to allow for a lot of flexibility in presentation. For example, with the response messages – the implementor could include a standard correct / incorrect image and a custom explanation as to why they were right or wrong.
As for the collapsing of questions, that is not a setting that get’s stored for the user right now, but I could see how it would be valuable. It’s unlikely that I’d store this setting in the database, but I could try to set it up to save it’s state in browser storage. The only downside with that is that the setting would occasionally get cleared out if it expired or you were to clear cookies.
Lastly, there is currently an option in the SlickQuiz Options settings to randomly sort questions and answers. I am also in the process of adding options to randomly sort ONLY questions and ONLY answers.
Also, it is possible to have more than one correct answer. If you select multiple answers as correct in the setup process, the user will see checkboxes when they get the question. If you only select a single answer in setup, the user will instead see radio buttons.