Hi Chris, Thanks for reporting your findings with that dot in the skype name (== Skype ID?) … I ‘ll look into it.
About the graphic you are looking for, I might suggest something that comes close to what you want (I think) but it will actually depend on your Skype status so not always that green version with the smiley… anyway, here goes:
1. On the Skype Status options page, select the theme 'My status + Multiple' button (small icon, green)
and function Chat with me
. Save settings.
2. After saving, change the theme to Custom...
and then scroll down to Advanced Options > Custom Template where you can edit out all the ‘multiple’ buttons you do not want. Basically just remove everything after the first <br />
you find in there. Save again.
Now, when displaying a button using the Default theme on your blog ( in sidebar or post/page ) you should see that little icon followed by your name. The appearance of that icon depends on what the Skype servers tell the plugin which in turn depends on your status. Set your Skype client status to “SkypeMe!” and the icon produced by https://mystatus.skype.com/smallicon/YOUR_SKYPE_ID should change to that shiny green one with the smiley ??
But as soon as you change your Skype client status or switch off you PC, that icon will change to reflect that new status and so will it change on your site.
Now, if you insist on using that happy green one, you might be able to make it work by downloading it to your PC and uploading it to your website (in the site root will do) and then editing the Custom Template again to make it use that icon instead of the ever changing one from the Skype server…
Hope you can make it work with these tips ??