Easy fix, guys. Go to your plugin editor, select the SimpleReach plugin, and then select simplereach-slide/templates/srslide_js_tag.js
Erase the extra space at the end of the code, and delete the break afte the line: <!– SimpleReach Slide Plugin Version: {{srslide_plugin_version}} –>
Should look like this:
<!-- SimpleReach Slide Plugin Version: {{srslide_plugin_version}} --><script type='text/javascript' id='simplereach-slide-tag'>
__reach_config = {
pid: '{{srslide_pid}}',
title: '{{title}}',
tags: {{{tags}}},
authors: {{{authors}}},
channels: {{{channels}}},{{slide_logo_elem}}
slide_active: {{srslide_disable_on_post}},{{slide_icon_elem}}
date: '{{published_date}}',
url: '{{canonical_url}}',
header: '{{srslide_header_text}}'
var content = document.getElementById('simplereach-slide-tag').parentNode, loc;
if (content.className){ loc = '.' + content.className; }
if (content.id){ loc = '#' + content.id; }
__reach_config.loc = loc || content;
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.async = true;
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.src = document.location.protocol + '//d8rk54i4mohrb.cloudfront.net/js/slide.js';
__reach_config.css = '{{srslide_css_url}}';
var tg = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (!tg) {tg = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];}
if (tg) {tg.appendChild(s);}
Hope this fixes it!