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  • It doesn’t seem helpful to make a post heading saying that the plugin doesn’t work, just because you are not able to make it work.

    Perhaps reading the simple documentation might help?

    Thread Starter genesteinberg


    Do you think one is inclined to take you seriously when I say that I tried your documentation and IT DIDN’T WORK?

    Clearly something was lost in the translation, so answer the question please.



    Trippa is not the author of SMCF, I am.

    There are currently 3 ways to use SMCF.

    1) Manually place a link or any element with a class of smcf-link in a post or page or sidebar, etc where you want SMCF to be called from.

    <a href="/contact" class="smcf-link">contact</a>

    2) Use the smcf() function to create a link – also needs to be placed manually in one of your template files.

    or 3) If your template dynamically creates the menu, SMCF will try and match the value you have in your settings for the Title and it will add the smcf-link class automatically.

    If that still doesn’t help, let me know.


    Thread Starter genesteinberg


    Trippa needs to take a rest cure, since he’s popped too many “jerk” pills. ??

    In any case, yes, I read the instructions, and no I can’t make it work.

    I tried the following:

    1. Create a page onto which I place the link you specify in item one. Doesn’t work.

    2. I tried putting that code into our nav bar. Doesn’t work.

    Your instructions lack to specificity to deal with these issues. We’re not all PHP experts here.

    So what do I do next?


    Your instructions lack to specificity to deal with these issues. We’re not all PHP experts here.


    I’m sorry if Trippa’s comment bothered you, but there’s no need to take it out on me, I’m trying to help.

    Nobody suggested that you needed to be a PHP expert. Additionally, the instructions cover all of the various ways to use SMCF. I also have a fairly detailed troubleshooting guide.

    If you are not able to get it working, there are 3 possible reasons 1) something else on your site is causing a conflict, 2) there is a bug in SMCF (which could be possible because I just released a new version) or 3) you are not using/configuring it correctly – for whatever reason.

    So, in order to help you, I’m going to need more information from you:
    1) What version of WordPress are you using
    2) What does “I can’t make it work” mean. What specifically is happening, or not happening.
    3) What is the URL you are working on. I’ll probably be able to help better if I can see what is happening.
    4) Details on exactly what you have tried.

    #3 is going to be the most helpful to me, as there are a lot of other factors that could be causing problems.

    I’m more than happy to help, I just need your cooperation and more information. [signature moderated Please read the Forum Rules]


    Thread Starter genesteinberg


    My remarks about Trippa were meant for him. He is on a bad tripp – a.

    In any case.

    1. 2.8.4.

    2. I put the URL code on the Contact page I had been using for previous contact forms. Clicking on the Contact Us in the nav bar link at the site,, fails to bring up your form. It’s back to the other one now.

    Am I wrong to take this code as something that needs to be inserted into a page as with other contact forms?

    You can contact me on my site via my existing contact form. ??


    If you want your existing “Contact Us” link to trigger the contact form, just add the smcf-link class to the link html:

    <a href="" class="smcf-link"><img ... /></a>

    Based on your comments, I’m wondering if you have a misunderstanding of what SMCF is/does.

    It is a JavaScript/Ajax Contact Form that loads on whichever page it is “called” from. It does not embed form elements into a page.

    Have a look at the following site (click the contact link):

    Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter genesteinberg


    I don’t claim to have any understanding of the methodology, nor do I want to have such a thing. I just want to make it work.

    In any case, I tried your substitute code for the Contact Us link, putting it in place of the other link in the header, in the area covering our nav bar, and it did nothing. I have since gone back to our prior contact form.


    Thread Starter genesteinberg


    One thing: Fully functional and all, but it would be nice to be able to such such parameters as modal window size, text area size, color, etc. from the plugin interface. Soon as you take this to a css file or something, it makes it possible to lose the settings when an update arrives. ??


    Gene, I’m really confused by your comments and attitude.

    1) I just checked your site and it *is* working
    2) If you don’t want style modifications to be lost, put them in your own css file and make sure it loads after the plugins.

    In the future I will be re-writing SMCF to be much more customizable. But as a simple, quick, and cool contact form – it does it’s job for now ??


    Thread Starter genesteinberg


    Nothing confusing. My follow-up massage made it clear I got it to work.


    Thread Starter genesteinberg


    But since I got your attention (and is Trippa off his trippa yet?):

    One way to make SMCF customizable without falling into the bloat trap is to put a simple text screen on the settings panel allowing for easy editing of half a dozen basic CSS parameters. These might include text area sizes, custom fonts, colors, etc.

    You store this in the database, so replacing the plugin doesn’t hurt.

    And offer a Return to Default button in case the formatting is messed up, so you can easily start from scratch.

    One of the reasons I tried your plugin was my ongoing disappointment with existing contact forms. They are mostly too simple and can’t be customized the way you want, or they are so filled with features and poorly designed settings screens that they’ve become a total mess.

    I think you can make minor upgrades without forgetting the “simple” concept.

    Is Trippa awake yet? ??


    Hello Everybody,
    How are you ?
    I am going to install Featured Content Plugin and Video Player Plugin.
    When I installed Featured Content Plugin and Video Player Plugin, two plugins are conflict.
    And When I install VIdeo Player Plugin, the plugin doesn’t work.
    I hope everybody to help me.
    And If possible, please send me the detailed explaintion (for Video Player Plugin install method and conflict reasion).
    Looking forward to your reply soon.
    Best regards.

    Hey Eric

    Thanks for making this plugin.
    I’m wrestling with an issue I don’t know how to fix.

    I place the link for the Contact on a widget.
    It works BUT when the contact window comes up it comes up behind the media embedded in the page.

    For example if you click on the link and I have a youtube video embed next to it (at least on a smaller screen) the video hides the email popup.

    is there a code or something I can do to make the pop up appear in front of the media?


    nastycreatures – it’s probably best to create a new topic instead of bringing up an old one.

    The issue you are having has to do with the embedded content, not the plugin.

    “To prevent Flash objects from “bleeding through” the dialog, make sure to set the wmode property for your object and embed elements to either opaque or transparent”


    Hope that helps.


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