[Plugin: Simple Tags] a few modifications to make simple tags suport taxonomies
Here are a few changes I did to some of the functions inside
simple-tags\inc\admin.php to support multiple taxonomiesHere are the sections of code that are different, leave the rest of the function intact.
function deleteTagsByTagList( $delete ) { if ( trim( str_replace(',', '', stripslashes($delete)) ) == '' ) { $this->message = __('No tag specified!', 'simpletags'); $this->status = 'error'; return; } // In array + filter $delete_tags = explode(',', $delete); $delete_tags = array_filter($delete_tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); // Delete tags $counter = 0; $taxonomies=get_taxonomies(array('public' => true,'_builtin' => true),'names','or'); foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { foreach ( (array) $delete_tags as $tag ) { $term = get_term_by('name', $tag, $taxonomy); $term_id = (int) $term->term_id; if ( $term_id != 0 ) { wp_delete_term( $term_id, $taxonomy); clean_term_cache( $term_id, $taxonomy); $counter++; } } }
function addMatchTags( $match, $new ) { if ( trim( str_replace(',', '', stripslashes($new)) ) == '' ) { $this->message = __('No new tag(s) specified!', 'simpletags'); $this->status = 'error'; return; } $match_tags = explode(',', $match); $new_tags = explode(',', $new); $match_tags = array_filter($match_tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); $new_tags = array_filter($new_tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); $counter = 0; if ( !empty($match_tags) ) { // Match and add // Get terms ID from old match names $terms_id = array(); $taxonomies=get_taxonomies(array('public' => true,'_builtin' => true),'names','or'); foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { foreach ( (array) $match_tags as $match_tag ) { $term = get_term_by('name', $match_tag, $taxonomy); if($term) $terms_id[(int) $term->term_id] = $term->taxonomy; } } foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { foreach ( (array) $new_tags as $new_tag ) { $term = get_term_by('name', $new_tag, $taxonomy); if($term) $new_terms_id[(int) $term->term_id] = $term->taxonomy; } } // Get object ID with terms ID $objects_id = array(); foreach($terms_id as $id => $tax){ $objects_id = array_merge($objects_id, get_objects_in_term( $id, $tax, array('fields' => 'all_with_object_id') )); } // Add new tags for specified post foreach ( (array) $objects_id as $object_id ) { foreach($new_terms_id as $id => $tax){ wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $id, $tax, true ); // Append tags $counter++; } }
function ajaxLocalTags( $format = 'html_span' ) { status_header( 200 ); // Send good header HTTP header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset')); if ((int) wp_count_terms($this->taxonomy, 'ignore_empty=true') == 0 ) { // No tags to suggest if ( $format == 'html_span' ) { echo '<p>'.__('No terms in your WordPress database.', 'simpletags').'</p>'; } exit(); } // Prepare search $search = trim(stripslashes($_GET['q'])); $terms = array(); $taxonomies=get_taxonomies(array('public' => true,'_builtin' => true),'names','or'); foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { $terms = array_merge($terms, $this->getTermsForAjax( $taxonomy, $search, $format )); }
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