• Hi! Anybody know why when a user is trying to connect he receives the ERROR: Facebook user not recognized. message?

    Thank you!

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  • I have the same issue. I thought that if the register and login were installed it would create a WP user and connect it with FB automatically. IE allowing a user to register with FB credentials.

    If you create a user and then login go to the profile and you can manual connect the accounts. This isn’t the functionality I wanted but it is the only thing I can seem to get it working.

    I would expect that if you are logged into FB you should be logged into WP or at least use the connect button to log in without without entering credentials however I have not been able to it to work this way.

    Otto seems very good at responding to support questions but documentation seems like; no jab at Otto just an observation.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    If you have both the Register and Login plugins activated, then it *does* create the user already connected to Facebook. All the user has to do is connect to facebook on the login screen then click the button to create the new WP account. The new account will be connected to FB automatically. It’ll also fill in other information like their description and such.

    Only pre-existing users need to use the Users->My Profile screen to connect their accounts. Or, if you create a new user without connecting to Facebook, then the user won’t get auto-connected because he didn’t connect in the first place.

    I would expect that if you are logged into FB you should be logged into WP or at least use the connect button to log in without without entering credentials however I have not been able to it to work this way.

    That is exactly how it does work. I have no idea what you’re doing wrong.

    @brilou, @brian7997 have you got “anyone can register” enabled on the General Settings?

    @chocks I had the same problem as them but i had that option disabled. Does it need to be enabled? I had both the register & login enabled but i still get the “User not Recognized” error. Should “Anyone can Register” be enabled?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    The Register plugin doesn’t work if people can’t register. If you don’t want people to register, then disable the register plugin.

    The “User not Recognized” error is simple: It means that you are trying to log into the site with FB credentials that are not yet connected to any WP account on the site.

    Log in normally, go to Users->My Profile, then connect your WP and FB accounts together.

    @whitemonster yeah, it has to be enabled, otherwise people won’t be able to register on the site with FB credentials.

    What it’ll happen:
    clicking on the FB button will get the name and email and ask them to register to WP by simply clicking on “Register” and “A password will be emailed to you”. After clickin “register” they’ll get redirected to the dashboad.

    God saves Otto ??

    yeah I’m one of those idiots. Anyone can register was disabled. The thing that hung me up was that I figured the login plugin would work without “anyone can register” enabled. It seems that you should be able to login with SFC without needing anyone to register enabled? Maybe it has to be done that way for a reason? It is probably a small minority of people that would use it that way given the purpose of the plugin.

    Some really basic documentation would save a lot a support time I think.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    You can login just fine without the registration enabled. You can’t register people without it enabled though.

    Login and registration are two separate things. Login applies to existing users. Registration applies to new users. What exactly is it that you’re trying to do? Login, or let people create new users?

    Right, it depends what do you want to achieve. In my case I wanted people to *login* into the site using FB credentials.. but of course they wouldn’t have a user preassigned.. so they needed to register. Now SFC comes handy as (if they are logged in FB) it grabs the name and email and tells them to ‘Register’. Once they register they get redirected to the dashboard (no my case, but the regular scenario will be like this) and from now on they can login with their FB credentials without worrying about the WP user details.

    hi chocks … you say that you’ve got your site to not redirect to the dashboard on registration after FB connect … but how did you do that? that’s exactly what i need to do. please tell me your secret?!


    I’m having the same issue but I DO have Anyone Can Register enabled.

    Whenever someone tries to login with Facebook it says:

    Error: Facebook user not recognized.

    It also doesn’t add the facebook user as a wordpress user, even if they press allow both times, I’m using this plugin:


    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Do you have the SFC-Register plugin activated as well? Login and Register are really two different things, and so I put them in separate plugins, because many people might not want both features.

    I know nothing about that other plugin, except that it’s probably not compatible with SFC.

    Hey applemango, here’s the function:

    function redirectregister(){
    	wp_redirect(get_option('siteurl') . '/profile/');
    add_action('login_head', 'redirectregister');

    paste it in your functions.php file, note that the redirect goes in this case to “profile” page.

    @jordashtalon that plugin, I belive, is not written by Otto, therefore you are on a wrong tag/thread.



    Oh I see now, I had both SFC and the other plugin enabled lol, I didn’t notice there was an SFC Register plugin as well, got it working now thanks for the help.

    Hi Otto,
    Great plugin but Im a bit confused. I do have “anyone can register” checked in the general WP settings as well as the SFC register and Login plugins enabled. After clicking connect with FB, it took me to the “create account” page for WP. But I thought you said,
    “If you have both the Register and Login plugins activated, then it *does* create the user already connected to Facebook. All the user has to do is connect to facebook on the login screen then click the button to create the new WP account. The new account will be connected to FB.”
    Meaning new users will automatically have their FB info pulled over and a WP profile created. So where is the One button someone clicks to create a new FB account? Is a WP profile created or does the user need to create a WP profile?

    For now, I just want users to be able to login using FB credentials but not have to register. But ti’s still putting up the “Create Account” WP page.

    I do have the buddypress plugin installed. Is this creating the “Create Account” page?? Any suggestions on what I should do?

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