ok…it’s me again…
I really don’t understand this: yesterday I left my dashboard, thinking that I really tried everything with the sidebar login plugin, to hide dashboard and profile link to everyone except the admin.
When I came back this morning to try other things, I saw that my old settings where still there (last time I tried, my syntax was to put “|USER LEVEL 10” where I “think” I should put “|10”. Thats where I thought that yesterday, I tried to put “|10” but didnt click on “save settings”…which would explain that it was still not working…so, cursing myself, I re-wrote “|10”, clicked “save settings” and it was all good!
But, after playing around with other stuff in my web site (that really shouldnt have anything to do with any changes that could harm the settings of sidebar login), at some point, it stoped working, meaning, nobody sees the dashboard and profile link anymore, not even the admin. I am lost…
I will post what other plugins I’m using, in case it gives hint to other poeple:
Sidebar Login 2.2.9, WordPress 2.9.1, Peter’s Login Redirect and User Access Manager
and the only things I did between the moment I made it work this morning and the moment it stoped working is this: put a file to be downloadable from one of my users (subscriber user), in a page that I had already assigned (days before) to only this user, with the help of User Access Manager, and thats it! So at one point, while logged as admin, I noticed that the Dashboard and Profile link was not there anymore. And the sidebar login settings was still like before: “…|true|10”
Anyone ever had that kind of problem?
Thanx in advance!