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  • Sorry you are having trouble.
    Tell me more about your install.
    Buddy press version?
    Any other plugins installed?

    Maybe another plugin is conflicting.
    Look on the Admin – Plugins – menu.
    Temporarily Disable (not uninstall) all your other plugins.
    Does it work now? If yes, Activate the plugins one by one to determine
    which one conflicts. Which plugin was causing it?

    I am getting an error with buddypress too now – not sure what the error is – but when people try to sing up, it just brings back to sign up page. When I deactivate si captcha signups go through no problem.

    buddypres 1.2.6
    si captcha
    wpmu – 3.01

    plugins running:
    BP Blog Author Profile Link
    BP Group Documents
    Forum Attachments for BuddyPress
    oEmbed for BuddyPress

    I was also running BP-Registration-Options plugin at same time – but even disabling it, the signup function still failed. This only occurred after newest update of SI captcha

    I love you plugin, it saves me time and costs spammers time and money, hope we can get a better version soon!


    I just setup a test server…
    buddypres 1.2.6
    si captcha
    wpmu – 3.01
    Theme: BuddyPress Default 1.2.6

    I installed si-captcha in mu-plugins
    I cannot duplicate the problem.

    Did you install si-captcha in mu-plugins? if not, try that.
    What theme do you have?

    This is how to install SI Captcha globally on WPMU or BuddyPress:
    Step 1: upload the /si-captcha-for-wordpress/ folder and all it’s contents to /mu-plugins/

    Step 2: MOVE the si-captcha.php from the /si-captcha-for-wordpress/ folder to the /mu-plugins/ folder.

    Site wide Settings are located in “Super Admin”, “SI CAPTCHA Options”

    Thanks for the reply – I will give that method a try. i had it running fine with the previous versions by putting it in a regular “plugins” folder, and clicking to activate sitewide / network activate or whatever they are calling it these days… I will give the mu-plugins folder a whirl and see what happens..

    Ok I just tried that method, and it does not seem to work for my setup for some reason. wp-hashcash is in mu-plugins and shows fine in superadmin. But after putting the si-captcha there, it does not show in the superadmin section, nor show captchas on the signups pages.
    I just woke up and the espresso has not wiped away the haze from my eyes yet. Maybe I will retry this later – and just disable registering on my site – I woke up to more than 1500 new spam signups from last night – grrr.

    Okay, I double checked and it does seem to be enabled now. My ftp hadn’t finished the move part yet.

    okay, so using the mu-plugins way of install / run – the captcha appears on the registration page – but it still fails to work. After completing all fields and the captcha – the page just refreshes – no completed sign up page. Same problem as earlier stated.

    What theme do you have?

    think I found a fix perhaps.. I think during my update I deleted the plugin folder and uploaded the fresh one, activated it, and hoped that all was well. It seemed fine, but I realized I had no signups for three days, which is very unusual.

    After some more poking around, I think that the problem was the lack of a folder being re-created after I deleted the plugin and upadted. Looking at the options I noticed this:

    so I created that, and it still didn’t work – but then I decided to try it in the mu-plugins folder that I had moved the plugin too – creating a a “capthca-temp” folder there and changin permissions seems to make it work now.

    So now I am going to try to make it work again in the regular plugins folder, and deleting the mu-plugins one.
    I think re-adding that captcha-temp folder has fixed the problem. Hope this helps anyone else who has the same issue. I delete and upgrade through ftp, not through the WP backend.

    The /captcha-temp/ folder will be made automatically unless there is a permissions problem preventing write access.

    Hi Mike,
    I also have a concern on SiCaptcha. I put in a new topic. Need your help! Thanks!

    hi, i just installed this plugin. i can see the code under all other forms but the code dont appear under comment form and when i try to test the comment, error message appear. please how can i fix this problem

    fixed thanks. i put the command in my theme

    Hello Mike,

    I have this error … what should I do?

    ERROR: Could not read CAPTCHA token file.
    There is a problem with the directory /si-captcha-for-wordpress/captcha-secureimage/captcha-temp/.
    Directory Unwritable (fix permissions). Permissions are: 0755 Fixing this may require assigning 0755 permissions or higher (e.g. 0777 on some hosts. Try 0755 first, because 0777 is sometimes too much and will not work.) Fixing the actual problem is recommended, but you can uncheck this setting on the si captcha options page: “Use CAPTCHA without PHP session” and the captcha will work this way just fine (as long as PHP sessions are working).

    Try the suggestions in the message you posted.

    You can uncheck this setting on the si captcha options page: “Use CAPTCHA without PHP session”
    Do it, does it work now?

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