Thank you very much for the quick reply.
I’m an advanced user, and did not skip that part – trust me. The problem is not that output is not shown. The problem is that things are added to it.
Here’s an example.
When I put this in the input:
echo '
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function calculatecomm()
senrol1 = document.getElementById("enrol1").value
senrol2 = document.getElementById("enrol2").value
hoursPerDay = document.getElementById("enrol3").value
pointVal = 75000/19000000;
pointsPerHour = 5;
valPerMonth = pointVal*pointsPerHour*30*hoursPerDay;
I get this in the output:
<p> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function calculatecomm()
senrol1 = document.getElementById("enrol1").value
senrol2 = document.getElementById("enrol2").value
hoursPerDay = document.getElementById("enrol3").value</p>
<p> pointVal = 75000/19000000;
pointsPerHour = 5;
valPerMonth = pointVal*pointsPerHour*30*hoursPerDay;</p>
<p> }
This is inserting <p> into my code.
I can give another example in which it inserts <br/>
in my code if you want.