• All I want for x-mas is a lightbox based plugin with a caption!
    I’ve tried about 4 different plugins, Lightbox2, Shadowbox, etc and none show the caption. Shadowbox seems so powerful with all the options, but no captions?

    Is there something perhaps preventing these captions? I’d rather not have to add captions each time, can it just link to the file name? Like in WP-simpleviewer?



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  • Captions are based off of the title attribute of the “a” tag. So…

    <a href="https://example.org/image.jpg" title="Some caption"><img src="https://example.org/image.jpg" alt="something" /></a>



    The problem is that for some reason, the title attribute is not falling within the “a” tag, but actually is falling under the “class” tag. How do we fix this? A sample of the html being generated by the posts is below:

    `<img class=”size-medium wp-image-532 ” title=”TITLE OF IMAGE ENTERED INTO WORDPRESS” src=”https://path_to_image-300×200.jpg&#8221; alt=”ALTERNATE TEXT” width=”300″ height=”200″ />

    Notice that for some reason, when we’re inserting the image into the post or page and adding titles, etc., it’s not falling within the “a” tag. What are we doing wrong?

    You are not doing anything wrong. It is just the way that WordPress works. I have had a number of people ask for me to add the ability to grab the title attribute from the <img> tag and push it onto the <a> tag. So I spent a little time this morning and decided that I would build this functionality.

    The functionality will be part of another plugin, but bundled with the shadowbox js plugin. So when you install the shadowbox js plugin you will see 2 plugins available in the admin and the new one will contain this new functionality.

    I haven’t released the new version and probably will not for several weeks. So keep an eye out for the next release.

    Hello Matt, I’ve got the newest v. on WP 3.0.1 but for some reason the captions still don’t show. I do fill in all the fields in the WP Import Media dialog, i.e. Title, Alt text, Caption and Description, but none of that appears when the shadowbox opens. Any idea what I may be doing wrong?

    OK, I figured it out. Here’s what works:
    1. Add and image to your post as you normally do
    2. Click on the image again to bring up the “Edit image” icon*
    3. Click on the “Edit image” icon to open the dialog box
    4. Go to the “Advanced Settings”
    5. Go to the “Advanced Link Settings” in the lower third
    6. Type the caption you want to display above the Shadow box in the “Title” field.

    While this works, it means two things:
    a. The “Title” where you need to type the Shadowbox caption is not the same as the “Image title”, or indeed the “Caption” field.
    b. Worse, there’s no way to enter this value during the process of adding the image to the post, as that dialog doesn’t contain the Advanced Link Setting section. You need to first add the image and fill-in the non-Shadowbox caption, and then edit it and ad the Shadowbox caption.

    Conclusion: The plugin seems to pull the value out of the wrong “title” field. I.e. from the advanced link setting title, rather than from the Image title.

    If you want to use the image title that you fill in during upload you need to also activate the plugin labeled “Shadowbox JS – Use Title from Image” that came bundled with the Shadowbox JS plugin.

    Humblest apologies for my stupidity sir! And thank you..

    Correct me if I am doing something stupid again. Looks like something doesn’t like apostrophes in the titles. If I use “You can’t get here by bus” as an image title, the thumbnail is no longer displayed, just its lone caption, and when Shadowbox pulls the full-size image (by clicking through the gallery), the Shadowbox caption ends at the apostrophe. In this case “You can’>”. Any idea?

    OK, verified. It only happens when the additional “Shadowbox JS – Use Title from Image” plugin is activated.

    Yes, you would need to convert any special characters to their html entities to avoid this issue.

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