home and front_page works out of the box
– the pages and posts are missing the keywords and the description meta…
I kinda rewrote the seo-metabox-class.php file, but the following should do the trick:
find this (almost at the bottom):
if($uid=='zeo_description' && get_option('zeo_home_description')==NULL )echo "<meta name='description' content='".$seo_data_class->zeo_get_post_meta($uid)."'/> ";
if($uid=='zeo_keywords' && get_option('zeo_home_keywords')==NULL)echo " <meta name='keywords' content='".$seo_data_class->zeo_get_post_meta($uid)."'/>";
if($uid=='zeo_index' && !is_front_page())echo " <meta name='robots' content='".$seo_data_class->zeo_get_post_meta($uid)."'/>";
replace it with
elseif( $checkvalue != NULL )
if( $uid == 'zeo_description') echo '<meta name="description" content="'.$seo_data_class->zeo_get_post_meta($uid).'"/>';
if( $uid == 'zeo_keywords') echo '<meta name="keywords" content="'.$seo_data_class->zeo_get_post_meta($uid).'"/>';
if( $uid == 'zeo_index') echo '<meta name="robots" content="'.$seo_data_class->zeo_get_post_meta($uid).'"/>';
Best regards – lovely plugin – i think you did a nice job ??