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  • same problem, just have to use “manage_options” instead of “extend_search” on add_options_page()

    The problem still exist..

    I do not understand the remarks by @geminorium ? Is that a way to solve the issue and if so can someone explain ?

    Grtz. Henk

    Anonymous User 439586


    WordPress 3.4.1

    Same Problem as @naturalrush : Search-Everything Options are visible to all Backend-Users. This setting should be only accessable to Admins.

    Is there any workaroud, until it’s fixed?
    Maybe @geminirum can be more specific?




    would LOVE an update here to remove this menu item for non-admin users!

    Also, @geminorum, we were able to locate “extend_search” in the Plugin editor (/wp-admin/plugin-editor.php?file=search-everything%2Fviews%2Foptions.php&plugin=search-everything%2Fsearch-everything.php) but simply changing “extend_search” to “manage_options” did not do the trick…

    Are we missing something here?


    -Brian & WR



    OK. Using some other markup we found in our functions.php file to do something similar for a different plugin, we’ve come up with a snippet of code that will remove the “Settings” menu for non-admins.

    Yes, this will remove the ENTIRE settings menu, which contains the Search Everything sub-menu. While this may not solve everyone’s specific needs, this did solve our needs quite well.

    Place this snippet of code in the functions.php file at Dashboard >> Appearance >> Editor:

    //hide settings menu items to non administrators
    if ( is_admin() && ! current_user_can( 'administrator' ) ) {
    	add_action( 'admin_init', 'my_remove_menu_pages' );
    	function my_remove_menu_pages() {

    Does this work for you? Please let us know!

    -Brian & WR

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