• Hey man, great plugin.

    I have a couple suggestions though.

    Instead of making users mess with the ugly custom fields meta box that WordPress used by default, consider making a custom write panel (meta box) for your fields. This will pretty things up greatly. It’s also really easy to do since you already have the custom fields!

    If you need help, just let me know or ping me in IRC – jared^. I’m usually on during work days.

    Also, not sure how you would go about this, but it would be great if the plugin would have an option for us state side peeps which would let us use miles instead of km!



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  • Thank your for your feedback.

    Im very glad if someone else can and will use Runners Log.

    I totally agree it could be nice if it was more easy to add your data after you did a run. Im pretty new to wordpress I first installed it the 19th of Dec 2009, so… ??

    Im also not the must skilled programmer (Im a M.D professionaly) but I have gladly used #wordpress for help.

    I will contact your on IRC

    Regard miles – it already on the todo-list.

    I would love to get some help ??

    Best regard, and happy new year


    I’m so glad I came across this. I am actually looking for a plugin to upload my garmin stats to but to also show routes on a google map. Is this a possibility in the future or do you know of an easy way to upload my info to google maps?


    Well, I think I can say that this will not support import of data from your garmin tool. This is far over my skills. So unless there is a skilled coder that can and will add that feature – I have to disappoint you…

    But for that you can use garmin.connect.com – its a very powerfull tool.

    If you like to have a list of your latest run uploaded to garmin.connect in a widget you can use the Garmin Connect plugin: https://garminconnect.codedrobot.com

    But to use this plugin you have to manually add your data…

    Best regards,


    Hmm I can see Garmin got a API: https://developer.garmin.com/web-device/garmin-communicator-plugin/

    Well, it is not first priority – but should be possible to add a map in your post: eg. like: https://developer.garmin.com/web/communicator-api/apidemo/garminDeviceDisplayDemo.html


    I’m new to WP – and not very good at php – but i know how to use an editor (notepad++) and to find my way around in the maps and the theme of WP.
    So now i have been trying for hours to make this plugin work – but all i get is this message at the top line:

    Meters is the setting atm – and nothing more !

    And i have checked php extensions – as i understand is only used for the graphic part – and they ar both activated.

    What can i be doing wrong – any ideas would be very welcome – thanks !


    Jens, denmark

    Hey Jens,

    Thanks for trying to install this mod.

    What did you paste into your template?

    Did you make any new post with distance and time?

    Would be great to add a shortcode like runnerslog to integrate stats in posts!


    Its on the todo list.

    I did try but wasnt able to add it. I think jaredatch would try to add it ??

    Thread Starter Jared Atchison


    Yes, they are on the to-do list ??

    I pasted:

    <?php if (function_exists(runners_log_basic)) echo runners_log_basic(); ?> into the page file og the template like this:


    HeatMap Theme 2
    Author: Stuart Wider
    Copyright: Stuart Wider 2009
    Website: HeatMapTheme.com
    This file last updated: 19/10/2009

    This file is part of HeatMap Theme 2

    HeatMap Theme 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    any later version.

    HeatMap Theme 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/&gt;.

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ –>

    <?php if (function_exists(runners_log_basic)) echo runners_log_basic(); ?>

    Content of the page (inc comments and post details)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ –>

    <div id=”page-body-wrapper”>

    <div id=”content”>

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    The Post
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ –>

    <div class=”post-content”>

    Widget Area: [All Content] Above
    ~~~ –>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘[All Content] Above’); ?>

    The Post Title
    ~~~ –>
    <h1 class=”h1-underline”><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    Widget Area: [Content Item] Above
    ~~~ –>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘[Content Item] Above’); ?>
    Widget Area: [Content Item] Left
    ~~~ –>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘[Content Item] Left’); ?>
    Widget Area: [Content Item] Right
    ~~~ –>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘[Content Item] Right’); ?>
    The content itself
    ~~~ –>
    <?php the_content(”); ?>

    Pagination for Multi-page posts
    ~~~ –>
    <?php wp_link_pages(‘before=<p class=”multi-page”>Pages:&after=</p>’); ?>

    Widget Area: [Content Item] Below
    ~~~ –>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘[Content Item] Below’); ?>

    </div> <!– class=”post-content” –>

    <div class=”clearFloat”></div>

    Post Details
    ~~~ –>
    <div class=”post-details”>

    <p class=”comment-button-box”>

    <?php if ((‘closed’ != $post->comment_status)) { // if the comments are not closed then show the comment box ?>

    <span class=”comment-button”>#respond”>
    <?php comments_number(‘Skriv en kommentar’, ‘1 kommentar’, ‘% kommentarer’);?>
    – Hvad synes du?</span>  

    <?php } ?>

    Artikel af
    <?php echo get_the_author(); ?>
    <?php /* the_author_posts_link(); */ /*uncomment this if you actually want a link to the authors posts – it reveals the authors username though – or am I being too security concious? */?>

    <?php the_date(); echo ‘ at ‘; the_time(); /* changed date and time format 19/10/09 so that default system date and time is used instead of preset date and time */ ?>

    <?php if ((‘closed’ != $post->comment_status)) { ?>

    <?php the_category(‘, ‘) // if the comments are not closed then show the categories and tags too ?>
    <?php the_tags(”) ?>

    <?php } ?>

    <?php edit_post_link(‘(Edit)’, ”, ”); ?>

    </div> <!– class=”post-details” –>

    <?php trackback_rdf(); ?>

    <?php endwhile; else: ?>
    <h2 class=”h2-simulate-h1-size”>Ingen svar fundet</h2>’;
    <?php endif; ?>

    The comments
    ~~~ –>

    <?php if ((‘closed’ != $post->comment_status)) { // if the comments are not closed then show the comments template ?>

    <div class=”comment-item”>
    <?php comments_template(”,true); ?>
    </div> <!– class=”comment-item” –>

    <?php } ?>

    Widget Area: [All Content] Below
    ~~~ –>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘[All Content] Below’); ?>

    </div> <!– id=”content” –>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    </div> <!– id=”page-body-wrapper” –>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    End of page.php
    ~~~ –>


    Im not sure, but what is your question?

    Now 1.6.0 is released – the short code release.

    Now the following short codes is supported:


    I was able to add it myself ??

    Sorry – I tried to copy the complete page.php file to show where I placed the installation line. What I have done is this:

    I pasted:

    <?php if (function_exists(runners_log_basic)) echo runners_log_basic(); ?>

    into the page.php file of the template. But nothing happens – what am I missing here ?

    Thread Starter Jared Atchison


    I’m at work so I can’t look it up – but I don’t think you need to echo the function, you should be able to just call it.

    Also, try using the shortcode(s) in a page/post with the new release.

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