• Love Role Scoper and all of the options that it has. I have run into a bit of an issue with it though. I have created custom Tags for my Blog, but when I try to add these Tags to a post it won’t let me. If I go in and deactivate Role Scoper I can add the Tags fine, but if I try to re-activate Role Scoper and then update the Tags they are all removed.

    Thanks for the help.

    ~ Lucas

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  • Plugin Author Kevin Behrens


    I’m going to need more configuration info on this because I’m not seeing the error.

    By “custom Tags” do you mean a custom taxonomy? If so, how are you registering it? Do you specify custom capabilities?

    Is the tag update attempt within the standard wp-admin editor? What is the WP role of the user who cannot successfully update the tags? Have you set Restrictions or modified Options?

    Thread Starter lhSquared


    Thanks for replying. Yes, by “custom Tags” I do mean custom taxonomy. Here is the script that I am using to register the taxonomy:

      'blog_tags', 'blogs', array(
        'hierarchical' => false,
        'labels' => array(
          'name' => 'Blog Tags',
          'singular_name' => 'Blog Tag',
          'search_items' => 'Search Blog Tags',
          'popular_items' => 'Popular Blog Tags',
          'all_items' => 'All Blog Tags',
          'parent_item' => null,
          'parent_item_colon' => null,
          'edit_item' => 'Edit Blog Tag',
          'update_item' => 'Update Blog Tag',
          'add_new_item' => 'Add New Blog Tag',
          'new_item_name' => 'New Blog Tag',
          'separate_items_with_commas' => 'Separate Blog Tags with commas',
          'add_or_remove_items' => 'Add or remove Blog Tags',
          'choose_from_most_used' => 'Choose from most used Blog Tags'

    On the wp-admin side, the user that is trying to use these tags is an admin user. There is no custom restrictions or modifications on this user for the tags.

    Thanks for your help again.

    Plugin Author Kevin Behrens


    Make sure your register_taxonomy call is executing early on the init action:

    add_action( 'init', 'my_tx_reg_function', 1 );

    Thread Starter lhSquared


    I tried this, but it did not fix the issue that I am having. For more clarification, the custom taxonomy for the tags is working, and I am able to create tags, but when I try to link them to blog posts the tags will not stay associated to the post. I see the right side bar element for the Blog Tags, and I can add a tag to the post, but once I Update the post the tags disappear and the link between the post and tag is not saved.


    Plugin Author Kevin Behrens


    Do you see the same issue if you register a custom taxonomy using a plugin such as GD Custom or More Taxonomies?

    Plugin Author Kevin Behrens


    If this is still an issue, disable RS filtering of the taxonomy:

    Roles > Options > Realm > Taxonomy Usage

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