• Hey there!

    I was using the plugin and it worked fine! But now I’ve installed it on a claen WordPress site, but it does not work properly:

    When writing a post or page I want to put in “noindex,nofollow”, but when I’ve updated the page, the option is stile “index,follow” and it did not put the meta-tags in the page…

    Can someone help me out please or tell me what went wrong?


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  • Thanks Webstractions, your suggestion worked for me.

    Webstractions can you elaborate please? I’m confused

    Confused where you say add the update part to the end of the plugin if not updating?

    My understanding so far is to change the line of code in the plugin and press save. But don’t know what to do with the update part.


    Hi everyone,

    Thanks to everyone who’s posted solutions here…as a newbie they’ve been very useful to me.

    I’ve installed the plugin (using the older version workaround) and edited my settings however, when I check the source code for pages that have been set to ‘index, nofollow’ I see this bit of code: <meta name=”robots” content=”follow, all” />…is that correct keeping in mind the settings?

    I imagine the content would be set to display “nofollow”? But as I’m not a coder, what do I know (lol).

    If anyone can shed any light on this, I’d appreciate the help.

    Thanks in advance ??

    There was a solution to it by installing the older version of the plugin then upgrading. That worked like a charm.

    Looking at the code, it appears robots-meta.php expects a field in wp_posts named robotsmeta (see line 59 of the code: $robotsmeta = $post->robotsmeta;).

    I added the field as a varchar length 32, and it now seems to work. Not thrilled about modifying the database (would have preferred the robots-meta.php file inserted into wp_postsmeta instead), but this did not require any changes to the plug-in code. The older versions of the plug-in probably took care of adding that field for you when you installed it…

    Thank you Webstractions, your fix worked brilliantly!
    For anyone else, just to clarify how the fix works:

    Open and edit your robots-meta.php file located under your plugins directory on web server.

    Add this extra line just before the ?> at the end of file.

    Save and re-upload edited robots-meta.php file to web server, voila!

    I too face some issues with this wonderfull plugin. I installed version 3.2.5 on a 2.84 wordpress release for the first time and had:
    1. the same issue as stendo from 5 months ago. I solved it following pepsirules2k’s workaround, by deleting, installing v3011 and then upgrading back to v325. It did save the settings to noindex/nofollow.

    2. I checked the content on the plugin’s .htaccess box and was nothing like my already existing .htaccess file.
    So I reverted back to v3011 and everything works fine.

    This is a wonderfull plugin. Joost, could you please look into it? I mean it would be great to be able to upgrade to the latest version and enjoy all the benefits of your latest work. Thank you in advance.

    Good grief! I just realized that what used to be my favorite plugin on over 440 WP installations is not even functional on any of them! None of the workarounds above work for me and I’ve checked all the theme calls. Is there no longer any support or development on this plugin?

    Just found my solution: Platinum SEO Pack. Installed that and was able to uninstall Robots Meta (doesn’t work anyway) and All-In-One SEO Pack.

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