For the database side, just find the table “rsjp_submissions” and add the new columns to it.
Depending on what kind of fields you need, really everywhere there are those fields, you could just copy one like first name or address.
For instance:
Near line 15 in the includes/form.php page find:
$fname = $_POST['fname'];
Below these add:
$yourNewFieldName = $_POST['yourNewFieldName'];
Depending on if you are going to require the field(s):
At line 85 add your requirements before this line:
if( $action == 'add' && $formError == false ) {
The statement could look like this:
if( $yourNewFieldName == ''){
$formError = true;
For inserting the field to the database, find on line 88:
$insertQuery = $wpdb->query('INSERT INTO '
and add your new field(s) in the correct position as your new column in your database.
Near line 159 you see:
$errorFName = $fname;
Add after:
$errorYourNewFieldName = $yourNewField Name;
then at 175 below:
$errorFName = "";
$errorYourNewFieldName = "";
At 239 find where it displays the input field:
<td><p><?php _e( 'First Name' ); ?>: </p></td>
<td><input type='text' name='fname' size='20' value='<?php if ( $errorFName == '' ) echo $current_user->user_firstname; else echo $errorFName; ?>' /></td>
<td valign="top"><p><?php echo displayRequired( grabContents( get_option( 'resume_input_fields' ), 'fname', 1 ) ); ?></p></td>
Insert your field where ever you need it like this:
<td><p><?php _e( 'Your New Field' ); ?>: </p></td>
<td><input type='text' name='yourNewFieldName' size='20' value='<?php echo $errorYourNewFieldName; ?>' /></td>
<td valign="top"><p>*(if required)</p></td>
You would basically need to do the same in the includes/submissions.php page, which is find the variable $fname and copy what it does.
Only thing to watch for is if it is an array, which you shouldn’t have to add the new field into.
Hope this helps!