• I have an idea for a plugin that would create links to websites like Amazon, Wikipedia, Dictionary etc.

    It could use the wiki tag system for generating the links

    Instead of creating a link with Steve Martin. I could just do [Wikipedia[Steve Martin]] and it would generate me the link Steve Martin.

    Amazon links could just use the ASIN [Amazon[0783115202 ]The Three Amigos] would generate The Three Amigos

    Dictionary usage would have the same system: [Dictionary[plethora]]

    Those were just some examples, it could handle more links to things such as the WordPress Codex, Google, TV Tome etc.

    As a name suggestion: Plethora.

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  • Have you searched around to see if any of these exist in one form or the other? I know that there are Amazon-related plugins out there for certain.

    CG-Inline was built to do something similar to this (macro’d replacements), but at the moment only has integration with CG-Amazon for doing Amazon products. Add something like this to a post:


    … and you’ll get an inlined amazon link. change the :Link to :Small, and you’ll get the Small sized image for the product as a CSS-styled floated link. Check out CHAITGEAR (www.chait.net) to see uses of the in-post-amazon floating image links — they’re all over the place. I also use it for all my image references/links, permalinks (permalink:64:Some link text), and more.

    The next release of CG-PowerPack 1.5 (which is where to get the aforementioned plugins) should be out in the next day or so, and might actually be promoted to ‘beta’ status. The new Amazon code seems to be working well.

    If people want to help generate a further list of >useful< macros, I’m more than happy to throw some into the next sub-release of CG-Inline for testing & use.


    I use a plugin designed for just that – TicTagTo:

    TicTagTo doesn’t support the Amazon feature that is described in the original post. I’ll look into adding something similiar.

    <.amazon get=”0783115202″>The Three Amigos<./amazon> would be how the shorthand tag would look like.

    Yeah, CG-Inline is designed to target functional macro replacements. The advantage of something like tictagto is that all it does is create links, and that it uses a formatting approach that I’m assuming ‘vanishes’ if the plugin is turned off.

    CG-Inline stuff completely disappears if the plugin is turned off, since the inlines are in comment-format — however, it is also REALLY fast as it parses out with a staged regex, and then handles each replacement on a case by case basis.

    Advantage? First, I only process what needs processing — rather than running match and replace for every possible case. Also, I can do things like not do certain replacements on !is_single() pages, or >cache< what I’ve seen and use it for sidebars (my Amazon “GreatGear” stuff on list pages is ‘pulled’ from the posts being shown…), or target complex replacements (like my in-post floating amazon image blocks).

    That all said, adding support for a selected number of ‘quick-link’ tags would be really easy — they’re just in-place substitutions based on a destination (google, wiki, etc.) and a keyword. Lemme know if someone would like to see that running — I may just go and implement a few anyway. ??


    ok i have an idea how about a drop down menu added to the post page

    say you want to tag something
    so all you do is double click your word then use the drop down menu to pick the search you want and the tag shows up

    That’s a great idea

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