• I’m afraid this plugin is not working (at least for me) in WP 2.7 because when a file is first uploaded to the default folder the corresponding row in db table wp_postmeta holds just the filename, not path and filname. So
    does not get the right value. That is why
    if (rename($attachment_path,$new_path))
    does not work and returns false.

    Maybe you should check if the filename is stored with or without path in wp_postmeta and construct $attachment_path accordingly.


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  • !!! i think i see the problem – i have been amazingly lazy in the code and assumed the database prefix of wp_


    if you look in the code at the function relocate_upload_library_filter you’ll see a line that reads “AND wp_posts.guid LIKE”

    that wp_posts.guid should be replaced by $wpdb->posts.guid and the function needs an extra line at the start global $wpdb; to make that work.

    it would be amazing if you could tell me that fixes your problem. i’ll be committing it to the ‘dev’ version asap anyway as it’s an obvious mistake.

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Bingo!! Thank you so much! I confirm that Relocate Upload 0.13, with the corrections you indicated, is working for me on WP 2.8.
    Thank you again!

    likewise, sorry to spot your follow up. i will commit the change asap

    i’ll be updating some other bits and pieces — some foolproofing code and some extra read-me stuff too

    alanft, may I ask you if you have a release date for the new version of “relocate upload”? I am transferring a website and need to now if I can count on multiple directories or just have to put everything in the uploads folder.

    Also, I’d like to suggest a new feature: a “bulk action” to MOVE files from one folder to another would be much appreciated.

    Thanks for your attention.


    i did commit the changes mentioned up thread at v0.14 (about a month ago) and that is the current stable version that should work ok.

    you are not the first person to suggest the bulk move option, but i just haven’t found a good way to implement it yet. the GUI is there to do it, but i’ve not worked out how to plug in to it to do what i want.

    alanft, thanks for pointing out 0.14 is the current version…
    I can’t get it to work with multiple uploads though.
    It does not let me select the upload folder, just puts everything on the default one. Do you have any suggestions?


    it currently only works by moving items from the default location to your preferred locations. there is no bulk move option yet.

    What I meant is that you can only UPLOAD one item a time to get it straight in the right folder.
    But if I understand your suggestion you are saying I can upload a bunch of pictures in the default folder and then move them via ftp to the desired subfolder? I’ll try that.


    “move them via ftp to the desired subfolder”

    you will break those items in the media library if you do that.

    to keep the media library working ok, use the regular WP uploader. i guess you could temporarily change the upload folder if you want to upload lots to a specific folder. (though WP limits you to the wp-content folder)

    relocate upload won’t do what you want.

    Hi Alan,

    Thanks for sharing your plugin with the community. I’m very excited to use it, but at the risk of sounding like “it not work, fool”, it doesn’t seem to be functioning with the latest version of wordpress. I’ve installed and activated it and gone into settings to create paths to the directories I want to be able to access through the interface and that part works, but then nothing. There should be a new line in the media library or something, right? Am I missing something, or is it a compatibility issue?


    i have to update the wording on the main page! the menu doesn’t appear in the media library listing, but you should see a folder menu in the ‘edit media’ page when you click through to edit a specific item in the library, or in the ‘insert into post’ view too (which was what i really meant by ‘media library’ in the original description).

    i see it on my 2.8.5 install. did you have it working ok on 2.8.4 and this has just broken in 2.85?

    Awesome. I now feel completely stupid for not having seen that drop down. You’ve done such a good job of integrating it with the WP backend. ??

    I didn’t test it in 2.8.4, so I’m afraid I can’t tell you.

    Thanks again for the plugin. It’s making a project I’m working on about ten billion times easier.

    Hi Alan,
    I went through the posts and feel the only one who cannot delete his files after moving them to another folder. The database entries are gone but the file still remains.
    I also tried it with subfolders like /wp-content/subtest/ or /wp-content/uploads/subbtest/. Anyone else? Im with WP 2.8.2 and RU 0.14

    I tried adding a file, moving it to a folder (/share from my www root folder) and then deleting the media library item, and it deleted it ok from the folder on the server.

    i haven’t got a 2.8.2 to hand, but RU hasn’t changed a lot with minor WP updates.

    Great plugin, thanks for your work!
    Found a bug on PHP on Windows (if you care): the urldecode($_GET[‘abspath’]) does not work correctly on Windows (it strips out the slashes) and ‘Moving’ a file to a different directory fails – yet it works fine on Unix. I fixed it myself by hardcoding the path for my Windows (dev) environment.

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