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  • Same here

    Same too, need the solution. ?

    Yep, it doesn’t work right… ??

    Great plugin, but with YARPP not working properly. I see duplicate posts…
    Apply “&action=flush” does not help.
    With “WordPress Related Posts” plugin works fine.

    Is there any possibility to disable the display of the related entries on the pages?I want them to have only in the posts.

    I am getting the duplicate posting problem as well. I am using a theme I built myself, which is pretty basic, so there are no crossover issues from using someone else’s theme.

    I have flushed the cache, dropped the wp_yarpp_related_cache table (as suggested by YARPP), tried both 3.2.x and 3.3.x versions, but no matter what I try, it will still generate content from both plugins. I also tried it both manually and automatically as still the same issue.

    YARPP claims to have fixed the issue in version 3.3.1, but this appears not be the case. If anybody has figured out a way around this, I would be very appreciative.

    Actually, I did find a clunky way to disable outputting the YARPP content.

    You can go to the template-builtin.php file in the YARPP plugin folder, and go down about 20 lines and simply comment out the output call.

    //if ($related_query->have_posts()) {
    //	while ($related_query->have_posts()) {
    //		$related_query->the_post();
    //		$output .= "$before_title<a href='".get_permalink()."' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link: ".preg_replace('/\s*<br[ \/]*>\s*/i', ' ', get_the_title())."'>".get_the_title()."";
    //		if (current_user_can('manage_options') && $domain != 'rss')
    //			$output .= ' <abbr title="'.sprintf(__('%f is the YARPP match score between the current entry and this related entry. You are seeing this value because you are logged in to WordPress as an administrator. It is not shown to regular visitors.','yarpp'),round(get_the_score(),3)).'">('.round(get_the_score(),3).')</abbr>';
    //		$output .= '</a>';
    //		if ($show_excerpt) {
    //			$output .= $before_post .
    //			  yarpp_excerpt(get_the_excerpt(),$excerpt_length)
    //			  . $after_post;
    //		}
    //		$output .=  $after_title."\n";
    //	}
    //	$output = stripslashes(stripslashes($before_related)).$output.stripslashes(stripslashes($after_related));
    //} else {
    //	$output = $no_results;

    Works fine. Let me know if anyone else has success or issues with it.

    It worked too!


    Since all we are doing here is just blanking out the output and not any actual processing that the RPS plugin uses, it should work fine for anyone right now, until there is a fix in the YARPP plugin for this issue.

    New version 2.0 released and is working fine with latest version of YARPP and WordPress 3.3.1



    Hi Sanjeev.

    First off, thanks for a great plugin

    That said, it still does not seem to be working quite right for me.

    I am trying to figure out why the plugin would be showing for some posts and not for others within the same assigned categories. – Yarpp is showing outputs, however no slider?

    Here is an example:

    I have a website that lists hotels and restaurants in Costa Rica. In one category I lists 10+ restaurants for a region in San Jose (all the restaurants are assigned to the same category, however some restaurant posts show the slider and others do not?

    Here is a link to the list of the posts in the above category

    now look at two of the posts from the category listing and you will see the slider working fine (note: Yarpp output is also showing)

    then two other post from the same category does not show, actually most within the category do not show – see examples here

    As you can see, I have left the Yarpp automatic output turned on (creating the duplicate related posts as per the comments above) to show that there are actually related posts for these examples.

    Any thoughts why the plugin is showing on some posts and not others?

    Also, do I need to have code pasted into my thesis Custom-Functions file? if so – can you help me with what I need? I am very new at all this so am not very technical..

    Thanks in advance


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