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  • Curious, because I didn’t encounter errors with 3.0.2 (yet). What issue are you experiencing ?

    Plugin Author radiok


    dzulfriday, what issue are you encountering with 3.0.2? I haven’t seen any issues yet either.



    Numerous issues here with 3.0.2:

    -when I upload a logo for the registration page it doesn’t appear to do anything.
    -when I add the logo via the media uploader then add the link (then save), it still doesn’t change the logo on the registration/ login page.
    -When I change any settings, they are not stored.

    …that’s all I’ve come across so far. Not sure I want to go any further at the moment.



    Here’s a few more issues:

    When I go to the “profile page” under the plugin settings I get:

    Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'RegisterPlusReduxPlugin::ProfilePage' was given in /home2/xxxxx/public_html/web/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 395

    None of the pages, apart from “hacks & fixes” save any changes I make to the settings.

    “Miscellany” contains the following error:

    ou can now link to the registration page with queries to autocomplete specific fields for the user. I have included the query keys below and an example of a query URL.

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home2/xxxxx/public_html/web/wp-content/plugins/register-plus-redux/register-plus-redux.php on line 1336
    %first_name% %last_name% %user_url% %aim% %yahoo% %jabber% %about% %invitation_code%

    And going back to point 2 of my first post in this thread- my logo (after uploading to WP then adding the URL) IS saved on the settings page, but it doesn’t appear at login/ registration.

    Hoping that might help you debug.

    Plugin Author radiok


    jeffreeeeey, if you are having those issues then you are using the development version. Those are known issues with the development build, that version is no where near complete. You need to download 3.6.22.

    i’m running wp 3.0.2, and register plus redux version 3.6.22, MySQL client version: 5.0.91, php Version 5.26

    when i upload my custom logo in wp, i get these errors:

    Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/mariuslo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/register-plus-redux/register-plus-redux.php on line 1280

    Warning: getimagesize( [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/mariuslo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/register-plus-redux/register-plus-redux.php on line 1280

    both of the above appear on my login and registration pages, as well as in my back office under settings >> Reguster plus redux >> right below the image that i’ve just uploaded.

    the custom image displays, but these errors appear on the 3 places i just mentioned.

    sorry, that was php version 5.2.14

    Hey mlombaard, I think I encountered the same error at one point.
    Have you tried checking the options at the bottom of the RPR configuration screen?

    Gosh I wish I remember their name or had an installed RPR handy… really, they are the last two on the page and they talk about “URL file-access” iirc.
    I think that solved the issue for me

    Plugin Author radiok


    mlombaard, FrancescoRizzi is totally right, there’s an option at the bottom of Redux for just the problem you reported, it’s called “URL File Access is Disabled”.

    thanks that worked like a charm ??

    one more question: can I control what page members see after logging in? right now they all see the dashboard but i want to send them to a particular page or post upon logging in.



    radiok- thanks. Yes I was- my bad.

    Plugin Author radiok


    mlombaard, from Redux, no, but many many users have been using Peter’s Login Redirect with great success.

    thanks again
    take care and keep up the good work

    how can i make wordpress determine if a visitor is logged in or not with register plus redux? when i use your plugin, i would like to display a “Register | Login” link for visitors who are not logged in, but when they are logged in my site must show “Edit Profile | Log Out” link instead. is there some variable i can access so i can write a simple php script to put these links at the top of my header?


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