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  • Yes,

    I also get the very same error output.

    Any ideas what it could mean ?

    function () { if (c) { var a = c.length; m(arguments), i ? (k = c.length) : e && e !== !0 && (j = a, n(e[0], e[1])); } return this; }

    Actually I see that my code is slightly different from yours.
    Perhaps the plugin author would care to comment?

    Mine is a recent install so it’s the latest version.

    Is there someone with an idea on this problem. I can help diagnose the problem if necesseray (i have the same)

    Plugin Contributor viper007bond


    Thanks to some help from an awesome guy named Jerry, I managed to track down why this happens.

    The AJAX request that triggers the regeneration for each image is supposed to return a valid JSON-formatted response. When an invalid response is returned, jQuery barfs all over the place and outputs something along the lines of that.

    My plugin should always return valid JSON so either another plugin or your server is breaking the request.

    Using Firebug or Chrome’s tools will allow you to see the AJAX response. If you post it here, I can help you track down what’s wrong.

    Fixed for me – was permissions related.

    Note: I did this in my development environment, wouldn’t do this in production:

    cd wp-content
    sudo chmod 0777 uploads -R

    is there any solution on this yet? I have the same problem. Just can′t get the regen thumbnails to work. Get the same error as above.

    Might it be a server side problem? Or just some sort of conflict problem?


    I have the same problem –

    POST https://[SERVER]/wordpress/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
    200 OK 3.01s
    <br />
    <b>Warning</b>:  imagecreatefromstring() [<a href='function.imagecreatefromstring'>function.imagecreatefromstring</a>]: gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error:  in <b>[SERVER]/wordpress/wp-includes/media.php</b> on line <b>258</b><br />
    <br />
    <b>Warning</b>:  imagecreatefromstring() [<a href='function.imagecreatefromstring'>function.imagecreatefromstring</a>]: Passed data is not in 'JPEG' format in <b>[SERVER]/wordpress/wp-includes/media.php</b> on line <b>258</b><br />
    <br />
    <b>Warning</b>:  imagecreatefromstring() [<a href='function.imagecreatefromstring'>function.imagecreatefromstring</a>]: Couldn't create GD Image Stream out of Data in <b>[SERVER]/wordpress/wp-includes/media.php</b> on line <b>258</b><br />
    {"success":"&quot;Oops.&quot; (ID 4623) was successfully resized in 2.180 seconds."}

    except that it wasn’t successfully resized…

    Thanks for any help!

    Same for me:

    Debugging Information

    Total Images: 7
    Images Resized: 0
    Resize Failures: 7

    function (){if(c){var a=c.length;m(arguments),i?k=c.length:e&&e!==!0&&(j=a,n(e[0],e[1]))}return this}
    function (){if(c){var a=c.length;m(arguments),i?k=c.length:e&&e!==!0&&(j=a,n(e[0],e[1]))}return this}
    function (){if(c){var a=c.length;m(arguments),i?k=c.length:e&&e!==!0&&(j=a,n(e[0],e[1]))}return this}
    function (){if(c){var a=c.length;m(arguments),i?k=c.length:e&&e!==!0&&(j=a,n(e[0],e[1]))}return this}
    function (){if(c){var a=c.length;m(arguments),i?k=c.length:e&&e!==!0&&(j=a,n(e[0],e[1]))}return this}
    function (){if(c){var a=c.length;m(arguments),i?k=c.length:e&&e!==!0&&(j=a,n(e[0],e[1]))}return this}
    function (){if(c){var a=c.length;m(arguments),i?k=c.length:e&&e!==!0&&(j=a,n(e[0],e[1]))}return this}

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Thread Starter Peadig


    i oddly found that deactivating WP solved it for me.

    Had the same problem, and tracked down the source. My client had uploaded an image with the special Scandinavian character ? in the filename. That obviously caused the AJAX request to go haywire. Renamed the file in question, and everything worked fine.

    So, check to see if your Media Library contains files with ?illegitimate? characters.

    It was definitely permissions related in my case. I used 755 for folders and 644 for files, but I can’t explain why that fixed it. Oh, and upgraded to WP 3.4. Too many changes!

    Hi there i ran into the same problems

    function () { if (c) { var a = c.length; n(arguments), j ? (l = c.length) : e && e !== !0 && (k = a, o(e[0], e[1])); } return this; }
    function () { if (c) { var a = c.length; n(arguments), j ? (l = c.length) : e && e !== !0 && (k = a, o(e[0], e[1])); } return this; }
    function () { if (c) { var a = c.length; n(arguments), j ? (l = c.length) : e && e !== !0 && (k = a, o(e[0], e[1])); } return this; }
    function () { if (c) { var a = c.length; n(arguments), j ? (l = c.length) : e && e !== !0 && (k = a, o(e[0], e[1])); } return this; }
    function () { if (c) { var a = c.length; n(arguments), j ? (l = c.length) : e && e !== !0 && (k = a, o(e[0], e[1])); } return this; }

    few days ago it was working fine. Is this because i just upgraded my WP to 3.4

    Upgraded to 3.4. This is not working.
    For me each one says undefined and some after than say the same thing.

    All done! 0 image(s) were successfully resized in 5 seconds and there were 5 failure(s). To try regenerating the failed images again, click here.

    function (){if(c){var a=c.length;n(arguments),j?l=c.length:e&&e!==!0&&(k=a,o(e[0],e[1]))}return this}
    function (){if(c){var a=c.length;n(arguments),j?l=c.length:e&&e!==!0&&(k=a,o(e[0],e[1]))}return this}
    function (){if(c){var a=c.length;n(arguments),j?l=c.length:e&&e!==!0&&(k=a,o(e[0],e[1]))}return this}

    Please help!

    in my case seams like the permission problem.. I changed temporarily all the media to the 777 and it works. (then I changed the perm. back to normal 644)
    WP 3.4.1

    The server doesn’t let my to resize all images at once (1700), fortunately this plugin can resize images by n number of selected images… unlike AJAX image resizer..which is cool also.

    Really 2046, only change all permissions to 777 the folders in “uploads” to the error disappear

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