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  • I found this same problem. It didn’t just resize the thumbnail it resized all sizes (medium and large, but not original), changed the name of the file to match the new size and deleted the old. However, the posts (1000 of them) still references the original thumbail/medium/large image which is no longer there! Am I missing something here?? (though I may miss a response judging by the lack of them on other questions)

    What is most likely happening is that the call to the actual image in the Posts table is still referencing the old image with the wp-image variable (bolded below)

    <img src="" alt="Hats" class="alignnone size-full <strong>wp-image-55727</strong>" />

    So, while the images have been resized, the actual call to the image within the post is still to the old, original image.

    Hi guys, I got that problem too
    Get generetated ~350 images without any problem, byt on my site – NOTHING changes… I got last version WP and plugins with theme Newspaper

    Here is my “system status”

    Theme config
    Theme name i Newspaper
    Theme version i 6.5.1
    Theme database version i 6.5.1
    php.ini configuration
    Server software i Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
    PHP Version i 5.4.45
    post_max_size i 30M – You cannot upload images, themes and plugins that have a size bigger than this value.
    max_execution_time 30 – the execution time should be bigger than 60 if you plan to use the demos
    max_input_vars 1000 – the max_input_vars should be bigger than 2000, otherwise it can cause incomplete saves in the menu panel in WordPress
    SUHOSIN Installed False
    WordPress and plugins
    WP Home URL i
    WP Site URL i
    WP version i 4.4
    WP multisite enabled i No
    WP Language i ru_RU
    WP Memory Limit 40 MB/request – We recommend setting memory to at least 64MB. The theme is well tested with a 40MB/request limit, but if you are using multiple plugins that may not be enough. See: Increasing memory allocated to PHP
    WP_DEBUG False
    Caching plugin No caching plugin detected
    Social network cache status: Last request count: Last good count: Timestamp – (h:m:s) ago: Expires: SN User:
    facebook 2 2 1450199768 – 00:17:28 ago 10800 inoplanetyaninru/
    twitter 56432 56432 1450199706 – 00:18:30 ago 10800 envato
    youtube 1450199768 – 00:17:28 ago 10800 channel/UCxxddTpnK5VkD2LCiVoF-5A
    instagram 2602 2602 1448032142 – 02:24:34 ago 10800 envato
    rss 123 123 1448893476 – 03:09:00 ago 10800 123
    googleplus 1450197615 – 00:53:21 ago 10800 110587269053706704538/
    vimeo 1448998750 – 21:54:26 ago 10800 123
    vk 1449352764 – 19:34:12 ago 10800 123456789

    Where is the problem? Just say what I need to do, and it will be Good) Thx for the ur future unsver ))

    Plugin Contributor viper007bond


    I hope to include this in a future version. See

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