• Juste to let you know, I’ve started to write a Cache-Control plugin that one can rely on.

    I’m managing around 100 wp behind reverse proxy.
    Some are on heavy load (100k+ daily visitors) and I got tired of rescuing servers each time one plugin or an other blows all up.

    So I’ll make it very simple (all ready > 500 lines ?) and I’ll try to make it smart (aka detect if settings imply reverse proxy) and cleanup any Set-Cookie / Pragma or Expire that could get in the way.

    For most of it, I’m picking in this plugin the bits that have proven good (I’ve been using it for as long as I can remember messing with wp)

    It needs a good refactoring… and a smarter admin (pain full to set one by one).

    I hate writing php… and even more wordpress.
    My php is basic but I have 15years experience as sysadmin + dev and have switched to node

    I’ll juste make the part that does the job – sets/fixes the headers – but I won’t get near making a wp-admin option page… as I said, I have no joy doing php, and wp-admin will just make me cry.

    If anyone is up for doing the handy option page… I’m open to ideas and help.
    Other then that I’ll juste use a json to manage settings.

    Publishing the plugin in SVN … same thing… too much for me.

    But perhaps sharing what I’ll have could save others waisting their time on this.

    I don’t make it sound like an exiting thing… But if one knows how to do an option page and an other how to publish the thing…

    has anyone used this plugin ?
    it could simplify the mission

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by cantoute.
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by cantoute. Reason: typo
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