The $45 a month fee that we charge covers use of our listing service, which provides access to all listings in your MLS. Many individual MLS boards charge a fee for each agent that accesses their data service, which can be $100’s per month. Unfortunately we have no control of that cost and typically it is paid directly to the board by the real estate agent. However, we are working hard with MLS boards to negotiate that fee down to a minimal amount, preferably free, at which point the only monthly cost for an agent will be the Placester service.
It should be noted that each MLS board has their own way of storing and providing access to their database of listings. They do not provide an easy way to get that data onto your website and they continually change the type of information they store for each listing and even the format of that information, so accessing listing data and manipulating it into a format that can be displayed on a website is a challenge that requires constant tweaking.
Placester has done the heavy lifting of building a service that provides access to that data in a standard way, so that all you have to do is install our plugin and listings can be displayed on your WordPress site.
To highlight some of the features this plugin provides:
– Included as part of the plugin functionality and free to all users:
Create property listings on your site, display them in an SEO friendly way and easily create widgets to highlight properties and?allow users to search for them.
– With a monthly subscription to Placester:
Display listings selected by city, zip, etc, or all listings from your MLS on your website, without the need to manually enter any listings.
Optionally save on hosting fees by hosting your real estate site with us for free.
Pick a website design from our growing library of WordPress themes to get a professional looking web presence without the cost, and in days rather than weeks.