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The Settings page for Razuna is pretty much meaningless to a user. You never explain whether this is supposed to link to some outside repository or to a WordPress uploads directory or how the plugin relates to WordPress. What is the Hostname? How should it relate to WordPress directories? What is Host ID? Should I just make one up? What is a DAM path? How does it relate to WordPress directories?
When I click “Test Configuration” nothing happens except the little “working” icon starts to spin and keeps spinning forever.
When I click “Save Changes” the changes are saved but nothing else happens. I still have no way to manage my files or see any sort of Razuna forms or see any changes to the Media Library.
Is this plugin completely broken, or is just so undocumented that there’s no way to figure out how to get it to work?
You say you “did not notice the questions here in the WordPress forum”. Hint: there is a checkbox at the bottom of Worpress forums to notify you by email when someone posts something in the WordPress Razuna forum, if you bothered to do that, you would be able to support your product the same way every other WordPress plugin is supported.
Poor plugin documentation + Not following plugin forum + Plugin doesn’t work = Epic fail. Razuna looks like a great project, why don’t you put some minimum effort into the WordPress plugin for it?