• Resolved Pepperfly


    I have 40 quotes. I’m using the following shortcode:

    [quotcoll paging=true limit_per_page=6]

    The hypothetical URL of the quotes page is:


    Every page link shows:


    …where # is the page number of the next set of quotes.

    These links got to my homepage, rather than:


    Is there a fix??

    I see many posts go unanswered for extended periods of time. I hope, I hope, I hope I can get a response to this issue very, very soon. ??



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  • Jason Paul


    ah, you beat me to this one. I also get the exact same pagination error. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.

    same exact problem here!

    Jason Paul


    yikes…a month and no fix. Getting serious (I’ve got some quotes that are getting veeerry long on the page and could desperately use some pagination).

    Had the same issue, figured it out for me, and will hopefully work for others. In the quotes-collection.php file you need to change some of the code.

    Around line 177 change:

    if($i == $current)
    		$pagenav .= "&nbsp<strong>{$i}</strong>";
    	else if($i == 1)
    		$pagenav .= "?<a href=\"{$url}\">{$i}</a>";
    		$pagenav .= "?<a href=\"{$url}{$a}{$paged}={$i}\">{$i}</a>";


    if($i == $current)
    		$pagenav .= "&nbsp<strong>{$i}</strong>";
    		$pagenav .= "?<a href=\"?{$paged}={$i}\">{$i}</a>";

    I have another pagination error. I have about 50 quotes and they are displayed in two pages. However, the page navigation links look like this:

    Goto page:&nbsp1 2

    Just a heads-up.

    Plugin Author Srini G


    These issues are fixed in version Thanks.

    Thread Starter Pepperfly


    Thank you @kremerdesign! Thank you @srini! ??

    Is it possible to change the text “Goto page:”?


    Thank you very much, SriniG! I would also would like to be able to change the “Goto page:” to something else or at least to “Go to page:” Thanks!

    You can change the text of the Goto page in the quotes-collection.php file (on line 187, change the text between the ” ” marks)

    But I’m not really sure if this is the best way to do it, it works anyway.

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