I get exactly the same need, yet this way will not work for me.
It is for a collaborative blog, where I need to have a homepage with activity + a box where users can posts from front end.
Because of users profil (it is simply average users that don’t know what is html yet want to style them blog posts), there is the following ergonomic needs :
– be able to post from the homepage
– use WYSIWYG editor
– add images
– immediadly access on WYSIWYG editor on homepage : no first seeing the standard editor then having to know what’s mean visual editor and then clicking on button.
I know how to widgetise a page to add this widget on it. What I don’t know is how to make it having WYSIWYG editor activated without having to click on “activate visual editor”.
Any clues about how to do this would be a great help. I can deal with code a bit a program myself with some directions.
Thanks !