Hello again, I’m currently in a hospital so I’m not in position to release Quick Chat at the moment 3.00 even though it is 99% finished. I just need to update FAQ to reflect new features. I should be released from hospital in a few days (should be but you nevef know with doctors) so QC 3.00 should follow. By the way 3.00 is really great release, here’s change-log draft:
= 3.00 (xx.xx.2012.) =
* Implement private chat feature
* Implement download chat room transcript feature
* Implement message input box character counter
* Add support for local avatars uploaded using local avatars plugins
* Add “Private chat options” admin options section
* Add “Logged in users can initiate private chat” admin option checkbox (default disabled)
* Add “Guest users can initiate private chat” admin option checkbox (default disabled)
* Add “Maximum number of characters for each message” admin option (default 250)
* Add “User avatar size (pixels)” admin option (default 250)
* Move destination language for translation next to the chat user name input box
* Temporarily remove “Keep total number of messages inside every chat room automatically around this value” admin option because of conflict with private chat code
* Make string comparison when checking usernames case insensitive
* Fetch messages and users exclusively using Ajax calls after page is loaded to increase page loading time
* Optimize user update Ajax code for users with multiple chat rooms on the same page (one call total instead of one call per chat room)
* Prevent users from having separate chat user names when having multiple chat rooms on one page
* Split Javascript code into multiple files and load separate parts based on user status and enabled features
* Fix a bug with translation language select with multiple chat rooms on same page not in sync
* Most of Quick Chat code rewritten to support new features and to increase performance
My best regards,