hmm.. ok, then maybe there is an issue with my upgrade script.
I tested it on a dev site and thought everything was working.
So, when you edit a query in the filters area you should see 2 links at the top for Add Filter, Rearrange Filter. Beneath those are the lists of filters on this query. When you click on a filter name in that list, does it not open a form for that specific filter?
Could you take a screenshot of your query edit page after clicking on a filter’s name and link me to it?
Also, could you tell me which browser you’re using?
Another option (if at all reasonable) would be to remove all the filters from your queries and re-add them.
Finally, I can take a look at your site directly if you want and repair any damage the upgrade may have caused.
My personal email is jonathan at daggerhart dot com if you decide you would like me to take a look at the site directly. You can make me a temporary admin account and I can take a look and fix anything i find, then you can delete the account.
Sorry about the problems. We’ll get them taken care of.