• I’ve just updated to qTranslate 2.5.25 and I have got a problem. When I open a new post page to edit and publish an article I find that the content is very messed up. The same text appears in both language content areas (before it was different for each language), I mean that in the second area (to edit russian) I find also the text that I wrote in the first area (italian). In the second area text is assembled, above the italian and below the russian.

    I edit a page, add text in the italian area, then russian in its area and save.. thus I find the italian part added on top of the russian one.

    The first time this issue appears only in the Admin (frontend its all ok), but if I save again the post then I find all this extra text also in the front-end.

    Editing italian I got:
    Italian area: Italian text
    Russian area: Italian plus russian text

    At the moment the solution is:
    Before publishing one must remove all this extra text in the russian area.

    FireFox 8.0.1, FireFox 9.0.1, Opera 11.60


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  • Same thing is happening to me. I upgraded to WordPress 3.3 and qTranslate 2.5.25 and when editing some pages (not all), the english version is copied at the end of the french version (default language) and sometimes more than once…

    I have same issu – duplicating content from main langeage to all tabs on admin ui.

    nothing’s help, no solution.

    Same problem here with same updates/configurations (ITA+ENG) though v 2.5.25 solved many other important issues.

    It seems like qTranslate can’t correctly split the post_content field (for <!--:it--> and <!--:en-->) and assigning the two parts to the respective istances of editor’s textarea.

    I also noticed that sometimes a &nbsp; space is added at the beginning of the content.

    Sometimes content gets duplicated and pre-pended to other languages editor, sometimes it is completeley deleted.

    As for now I’using HTML editor to get rid of the problem by deleting surplus duplicated text and possibly using Revisions whenever content needs to be restored.

    Thank you

    Provisional solution until the author finds a fix.. Write only in the first language textbox. Before publishing go in the html editor and add for each language the quick tags [:it] for italian, [:en] for english, [:ru] for russian and so on.


    [:it] <p>content italian</p>
    [:en] <p>content english</p>

    I found an other simple trick until the author finds a fix:

    – choose a language you don′t need as your first language.
    – Don′t use the first language tab – simply leave its content empty

    for not heaving an empty language on front-page simply put

    ul.qtrans_language_chooser li.lang-xx{
    display: none;

    into the themes style-sheet (replace xx with the first language language-code).

    to hide the text area and the title for the language, you can for example use the Adminimize-plugin an put


    at “Global options” – “Your own options”

    We can try the latest version 2.5.27 and see if any of the errors still occur.

    Still having the same problem, tabs with duplicate content for the secondary language, please fix that problem.

    I’m convinced that qTranslate is not the cause of the problem. Suspect is the editor TinyMCE. But I will look further for the cause of this.

    Well, good news. I solved the issue by changing the line 61 of qtranslate_javascript.php. (line 62 if you use qTranslate 2.5.27)

    It seems result.length on the line 94 returns “undefined “.

    I write:

    var result = new Array();

    instead of:

    var result = new Object;

    I hope this helps

    Changing the “var result” code make qTranslate work, but if I embed an image through caption, then the issue is still there. As I can see the problem is always when edit a post from visual mode and the first text includes any html tag.
    This fix seems to work fine if no tags are present at the first line of the content.
    The issue looks like the tinyMCE editor loads and fix the html before qTranslate splits the content. Thus to make it working, probably need to find how to change the qTranslate load priority.

    Is it possible to downgrade wordpress to make things work?

    it seems to be fixed now! Download the development version 2.5.28b2 at

    thanks a lot, Qian!

    The translate works indeed, thanks for this update !!!
    But now I have the problem that all or most line feeds disappear in the wysiwyg editor. Typically the <p> tag is not recognized anymore.

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