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  • I am also having the same issue. I browse to photo file and press update profile but image is not being saved. Using WordPress 3.2

    I too really miss this since it stopped working. It would be nice if WP had a more native way to do the same thing.

    But since they won’t, it would be nice if the author could look into it. <begging> ??

    I found a work around of sorts, for those that are interested – at least it worked for me.

    The plugin saves the data, it just doesn’t upload the photo and I’m not enough of a php programmer to fix it. So, I created the user, filling in the necessary info, especially the First, Last and Nickname areas. But I only checked the Nickname for now. Then save the changes.

    Then I edit the same user. In the URL bar, you’ll see something like this:


    That 86 number in the example above, will be the user ID you need. Name the photo xx.filetype, where xx is the user ID number and filetype is .jpg, .gif or .png. Now upload the photo you want to use to the wp-content/profile-pics directory. The author of the plugin did a good job, especially naming the photo to the user ID – it makes it easy.

    Then go back to your profile edit page, and check the first and last name options. You should see the photo load. Then just save the changes again and you should be good. You may have to refresh the page if it doesn’t show up automatically, but that’s what worked for me.

    Thanks for that Argyll! Works like a charm and saved my tail.

    Hi everyone, The way i fixed this issue was; I added

    add_action( ‘show_user_profile’, ‘addENCtoForm’ );
    add_action( ‘edit_user_profile’, ‘addENCtoForm’ );

    function addENCtoForm(){ ; ?>
    <script type=”text/javascript”> window.onload = function(){
    document.getElementById(‘your-profile’).enctype = ‘multipart/form-data’;
    </script> <?php

    to the function.php file.The theme function file, not the wordpress one. I am using wp_Creatix theme.

    That was loading the picture box on the profile but not the picture. So i checked if my path to the folder was correct and it was wrong. (right clicking on picture should show where the server is looking). Dont change it manually. Use the form on the dashboard to change it. and last make sure the folder profile pic is chmoded to 777.

    Also don’t forget to set the user as an author on your wordpress site. Have fun..this does give my site more credibility…Thank you Hannah ??



    arber28: Worked like a charm. Thanks.



    If we have to make workarounds or add our own code to the function.php file, which many people do not know how to edit, doesn’t that defeat the point of using the plugin? The plugin developer should take responsibility for fixing bugs.

    Here’s some advice: Do not use this plugin because as you can see it does not work. Go download a plugin that works!


    here is the fix….


    line 222


    function uploadPic() {
    			var upload = jQuery("#profilepicture").val();
    			upload = upload.toLowerCase();
    			var ext = upload.substring((upload.length-4),(upload.length));
    			if (<?php echo $checkstr ?>){
    				alert('Please upload an image with one of the following extentions: <?php echo($profilepic_options['extensions']); ?>');
    			else {


    function uploadPic() {
    			var upload = jQuery("#profilepicture").val();
    			upload = upload.toLowerCase();
    			var ext = upload.substring((upload.length-4),(upload.length));
    			if (<?php echo $checkstr ?>){
    				alert('Bitte laden Sie nur Bilder folgender Typen hoch: <?php echo($profilepic_options['extensions']); ?>');
    			else {
                                     .attr( 'enctype', 'multipart/form-data')

    The best way to fix this is to modify profil pic. Changing the coding type on all forms submitted is not really a good practice, the forms will still work though.


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