• Resolved marcjanik



    Thank you for developing plugin, I hope it will get better over time! At the moment I have following problem: when I try to update (change quantity etc.) and save product that is not being synced with facebook (belongs to category that is not synced) I cannot save product, because notice is being displayed:

    This product belongs to a category or tag that is excluded from the Facebook catalog sync. It will not sync to Facebook.

    To sync this product to Facebook, click Go to Settings and remove the category or tag exclusion or click Cancel and update the product’s category / tag assignments.

    Best Regards!

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  • Hi ?,
    @jkwalz @silentmedia @natator

    Thanks for reaching out about the plugin. I’m truly sorry for the frustration that this is causing.

    Per the forum guidelines, would you please start your own topic? Then you could link to your own topic here to make sure I see it.

    As we quite often see issues that look similar in nature but have very different underlying causes. A topic per user helps us focus on your specific issue to get to the root cause for you quicker!



    am i correct and i can’t still not update my product without syncing?
    I only want to update some tekst and i must not be synced with fb.

    Julie Martin


    Hi @marcelkraan,

    Would you please open up a new thread as this one is resolved?


    Would also please paste your system status in that thread so I can get a better idea of what might be going on? You can grab it by going to:

    WooCommerce > Status?and clicking on?Get system report.

    Thank you!

    Julie ??



    Okay… but i still need to disable the plugin to change the text of the product that is in the excluded category.
    But anyway it is a workaround… wordpress 5.5.1

    Julie Martin


    Hi @marcelkraan,

    So sorry, I’ve done some more digging here and I’ve flagged this issue to our team. As such, no need to open a new thread, as we’re already aware of it. In the meantime, deactivating the plugin temporarily is what we’re recommending.

    My apologies for the issue! If there’s anything else I can help out with, please do open a new thread.


    Julie ??



    I went into the same issue. And I agree, at first, it’s weird.
    But that’s mostly because the displayed message in not enough. Or an another button “Save as not synced” is missing (with the linked actions, of course).
    As a “workaround”, you should go into product data section, click on the Facebook tab and select “Do not sync” as value for “Facebook sync”.

    Here is the problem indeed: default value is to sync the product, but its category or tag do not allow that.

    Once “Do not sync” is selected, you get no FB message and can save your product. ??

    Plugin can be improved, but your problem is solved!

    Julie Martin


    Hi @madmax4ever,

    Thanks so much for sharing your workaround! It’s greatly appreciated.

    Julie ??



    You’re welcome.

    That’s just the way I see things: I give back as much as has been given me, through feedbacks, reporting detailed bugs info (how to reproduce at least, name concerned functions), share workarounds or suggest code modifications.

    TLDR for anyone coming here:
    – The setting in a single product always takes precedence over the “global” setting. Thus, someone decided it is smart to: not only throw a warning, but to completely prevent the user from updating products locally. This is a silly decision which can be reversed within 15 minutes, but SkyVerge are stalling.

    The only way to resolve it currently is to perform a migration script that sets the value for each product individually, or set them by hand as @madmax4ever proposed. Or, disable the plugin, edit stuff, re-enable.

    The horrendous level ignorance exhibited by Jennifer and Simon from SkyVerge above are easily enough to get me to uninstall the plugin, as i no longer trust this developer with my shop.

    They repeatedly reference issues which have nothing to do with the plugin, blame Facebook API, even try to defer people to open new topics as “this one is resolved”. While at the same time absolutely knowing that the issue is very much not resolved.

    @madmax4ever managed to decypher the ramblings of Simon from one of the first replies. The cascade of inclusion is such that the product-level meta value always takes precedence over the global value – in the context of the editor. Thus, even if you exclude a category in global, the editor will not let you save because of the local value. It is not aware that the value has not actually ever been set.

    But that is actually not the problem. That is a symptom. The problem is that SkyVerge is confident enough to prevent a user from saving. Yeah, read that again. They believe that instead of dropping a subtle warning and letting Woo work – their plugin is so important, that they have the authority to prevent everyone from using Woo whenever they feel like it.

    Reading all of the above messages and the general unprofessional approach of SkyVerge made me uninstall the damn thing and just write my own within a space of 2 hours. Its just a stupid csv file, not rocket science.

    It’s sad :/

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