• I’m not sure that this is possible with a taxonomy, but I was hoping to get some feedback on the best way to store my data. My site is storing information about soccer players and teams. I have a team custom post type and a player custom post type. My team page shows all of the related players, based on Posts to Posts data previously entered.

    My problem is that in the future, when players change teams, there isn’t any way to store any kind of time related data with the existing relationship. For example, at a minimum, I’d love to be able to store some sort of tag ‘current’, so that way my team page could show the current team as well as a list of all players. Even better would be storing the years that a player was a part of the team.

    I was thinking that perhaps the taxonomy description would be a place to store that information without having to create new tables or fields. I could maybe serialize some information and put it in as part of the connection process. Does that sound like a good way to accomplish what I’m trying to do? The API might then be changed to have an optional filter based on the information stored in the description.

    While I’m writing this, I’m still brainstorming how to make it functional. I’m thinking that in P2P metabox, after you create a connection, there could be a little button added that would allow you to edit the relationship description. That wouldn’t require much of an interface than a text area, and you just assume that the developer putting data in there would also know how to read it out.

    I haven’t looked super closely at the actually hidden taxonomy, so it might not even be feasible given the current setup. Thoughts?

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  • Hi scribu,

    I’m encountering a similar problem to Ploobers. I have two custom post types (product and shop), and I’m using P2P v0.5.1 to link them, with one item of metadata (price, a text field).

    So, I used your example from above (the comment that begins “With 0.4-alpha6, you can do this”), and initially I thought it was working fine. I made the connection reciprocal by the way.

    However, when I search and add a new connection on the product edit page, old connection data is deleted, and furthermore, the new data saved is often taken from the old data!

    Let me explain what I mean.

    On Product A, I added 2 connections at the same time, then saved it:
    Shop A (with Price 12.34)
    Shop B (with Price 56.78)

    This worked fine, 2 new records in my p2pmeta table and both connections shown in the box on the edit page.

    Then I added a third connection like this:
    Shop C (with Price set to ‘free’)

    On saving I ended up with ONE connection, with a new p2p_id, and ONE meta item with a new meta_id. The meta_key was ‘price’ (which is fine), the meta_value was 56.78 (which it has ‘caught’ from the earlier connection somehow).

    I’ve been trying to follow your code to see if there’s an easy fix, but somewhere within all the inheritance and static methods I got lost!

    Advice would be much appreciated and a solution will send me to your PayPal page!

    Never mind… in the end I wrote my own plugin to replace Posts 2 Posts – and which also lets you define connections in admin instead of using custom PHP.

    If anyone would like to try it, go here:


    It’s early days so feedback (especially problems encountered) would be appreciated using the comments form of the above page.

    Plugin Author scribu


    Always good to have more alternatives. Now I can keep Posts 2 Posts more developer oriented.


    Thread Starter Derek Perkins


    scribu – Have you been able to reproduce the error that we both encountered?

    scribu – I have the same problem as Ploobers. adding new data to a ‘date’ field from your example deletes the previous entry… do you have any idea how to fix this?

    to clarify a bit more:

    – I’ve created a reciprocal connection between regular posts and a custom post type
    – if I try to connect several diferent custom post types to a single post each new metadata wipes out the previous one
    – also – if I try to add several connections to a custom post – data gets wiped out
    -however, if I try to connect different posts with one custom post, than data gets saved…

    hope this helps you to figure out what is causing the problem…

    Modesty & Ploobers:

    You could perhaps try my ZigConnect plugin, see if it solves your problems? It’s gradually maturing and is quite stable now – stable enough for me to put it in the WordPress plugin directory.


    thank you ZigPress, but from what I’ve seen your plug-in creates connections on a separate admin page, and for what I need, the input box must be available both on the post and custom post admin interface…

    Plugin Author scribu


    The development version (0.7-alpha) now features a new UI:

    View post on imgur.com

    Connections are created and deleted via AJAX requests, so whatever problems you were having with saving should be fixed now.

    To register a connection with additional metadata, just do:

    p2p_register_connection_type( array(
    	'from' => 'post',
    	'to' => 'page',
    	'fields' => array(
    		'date' => 'Date',
    		'field_key' => 'Field Title'
    	'reciprocal' => true
    ) );

    You can ditch the old code I showed you before. Setting the ‘fields’ arg is all that’s needed.

    the only problem I have found so far with 0.7 is the fact that two posts can have only one connection.
    is it going to stay like that?

    Scribu: to clarify a bit more – you were mentioning Justin Tadlock’s movie example… for this plugin to solve that problem it would be ideal if one person (custom post type) could have multiple roles i.e. connections with the same movie (custom post type)…

    with 0.7 you can store just one…

    Am I making sense?

    oh, and another question: how do we display the connection metadata on the connected post?

    to have a choice between calling the field arg & all of metadata at once would be super useful …

    Plugin Author scribu


    the only problem I have found so far with 0.7 is the fact that two posts can have only one connection. is it going to stay like that?

    No, I’m going to add an option to allow duplicates.

    oh, and another question: how do we display the connection metadata on the connected post?

    By using p2p_get_meta(). See here: https://scribu.net/wordpress/posts-to-posts/p2p-0-5.html

    Plugin Author scribu


    Regarding duplication, there are two ways to achieve the multiple-role scenario:

    A) Create a duplicate connection between the same posts, with a single ‘role’ custom field.

    B) Create a single connection, but with multiple ‘role’ custom fields (the p2pmeta table supports this).

    There are advantages and difficulties in both approaches. I’ll see which one makes more sense.

    By using p2p_get_meta(). See here: https://scribu.net/wordpress/posts-to-posts/p2p-0-5.html

    yes I’ve tried that but with no results… here is my query… where and how would you insert p2p_get_meta:

    global $post;
    $sc_query = new WP_Query( array(
      'suppress_filters' => false,
      'post_type' => 'post',
      'connected' => $post->ID,
    ) );
    if($sc_query->have_posts()) :
    echo '<ul>';
    $sc_output ='';
    $sc_output .= '<li><a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '">';
    $sc_output .= $post->post_title;
    $sc_output .= '</a></li>';
    echo $sc_output;
    echo '</ul>';
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