• A great feature addition this this plugin would be ‘enable per post-type’. So say if I’ve got a special ‘wiki’ post type for my wiki pages, which is the only type of page I care to change the default order of, I could enable postMash just for this type and leave the rest of my posts to the default settings.


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  • Well I agree that would be a cool feature to add to future versions.

    However, (and I know it’s naughty to do this – call it “black hat” even) on line 60 of the plugin file “postMash.php” is a query where the post_type is defined plain as the nose on your face.

    $pageposts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'post' ORDER BY menu_order");

    It could be customized there.
    Then the trick would be to get postmash into the menu of your custom post type and not in your regular posts menu.


    ok if you have decided to hack the plugin file, I figured out how to make it add the menu to the right place, from my experience with dealing with custom post types and adding custom features to them.

    1) like I said – change the post_type= part of LINE60 to your custom post type.

    2) postMash adds it’s menus at the end of the same file, in a function named “postMash_add_pages”. In this case I added postMash menu to my custom post type named “staff” :

    function postMash_add_pages(){
    	//add menu link
    	global $minlevel, $wp_version;
    	if($wp_version >= 2.7){
    		$page = add_submenu_page('edit.php?post_type=staff', 'postMash: Order Posts', 'Arrange', $minlevel,  __FILE__, 'postMash_main');
    		$page = add_management_page('postMash: Order Posts', 'postMash', $minlevel, __FILE__, 'postMash_main');
    	add_action("admin_print_scripts-$page", 'postMash_head'); //add css styles and JS code to head

    I’ve modified this a bit further, this hack creates a “Reorder Posts” page in the cp for each custom post type (in addition to regular posts). I’ve commented where I modified the code; search for ‘BMS’

    [please use a Pastebin to post large chunks of code, following forum etiquette]

    I’d like to see what you came up with Big Mike Studios. Looks like it got chopped here.

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