• Hi, I’ve read through the Post Notification documentation and tried to look through the files but I’m afraid of breaking this plugin. Can anyone tell me what code, where, would allow me to have the notification emails automatically be sent “from” the post author?

    All my posts are authored by registered users of my blog, but there are quite a few of them. When people hit “reply” to the post-notification emails, their replies all come to me as blog admin. I’d like those replies to go to the authors of the posts instead.

    (I’ve already tried using Subscribe2 and can’t get it to work consistently for all users after literally a year of trying, so that’s out.)

    All suggestions very welcome – thank you very much!

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  • I appologize in advance… rather than answering your question , I will ask another. (Who knows, maybe this will get more action on your post anyway.)

    When people register and post on your blog, do you think they are signing up with the expectation they will receive all that reply email, including all the junky bounce notifications and all that? Just that issue should give you pause… when they get delivery problem notices, you are unintentionally distributing email addresses of some users to other users. I think the whole idea is pretty frought, and will even move nice juicy conversations off of your blog site into priivate emails, what good does that do your site?

    –EDIT:– Just realized you may be saying you have a group of authors, and each should handle their own post-related stuff. I was thinking you were talking about COMMENTS and the authors of the comments, not posts. If not, sorry.

    If YOU don’t want to receive the replies, then you should find a way to change the “from” address on the notices to a “no-reply” address.

    // Release

    // 30.12.08
    change1: add option post_notification_max_exe
    reason : default max_execution_time is 30 seconds at most server site,
    it’s too short,will caulse query sql be executed too much times
    For perfmonce ,give you a chance to add the max_execution_time to greater number termporily;

    change2: In sendmail.php->post_notification_create_email()
    find “$subject = get_option(‘post_notification_subject’);”
    add new line: $subject = str_replace(‘@@author’, $post_author, $subject);
    reason : add author in Email Subject

    change3: Add choice to blog Admin, who can make the “reply to” to Post’s Author’s Email
    Admin Should set Sender-Email: as @@author_email
    detail : In sendmail.php->post_notification_create_email()
    Add $header = str_replace(‘@@author_email’,$post_author_email,$header);

    you may download the branch version here:

    you may also download version , this version add option for admin , which can control whether Auto subscribe when new user registing; https://blog.retailsolution.cn/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/post-notification12272.zip

    it’s a greate plugin , the author is preparing for version 2 ;

    I hope the functions above will be added by author in version2 ;

    @syfr12: I’m not monitoring WP.org. But if you add your patches to the file-section at pn.xn--strbe-mva.de they are likely to be added to the current branch.

    @morty : I have registed a new user “syfr12” on your site; please give me “New Post” Privilege. Thanks!

    @syfr12: Looks like you never clicked on the confirmation-link in the registration mail. I confirmed you manually.

    @morty : Thanks, i have added these patches to the file-section at pn.xn--strbe-mva.de

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