Please follow the instructions below:
1) = I cannot view my Portfolio page =
1. First of all, you need to create your first Portfolio page and choose ‘Portfolio Template’ from a list of available templates (which will be used for displaying of our portfolio).
2. If you cannot find ‘Portfolio Template’ in a list of available templates, then just copy it from ‘/wp-content/plugins/portfolio/template/’ directory to your templates directory.
2) You got the visual errors which are related to your theme. Our free services are not applied to the layout stylizing of custom WordPress themes. All standard WordPress themes support our plugins. If you’ll install standard theme 2010 or 2011 then everything will be displayed correctly. We are not responsible for differencies between custom and standard themes. We understand that not every user can edit styles and add necessary changes to the plugin template manually, and that is why we are offering our service in order to help you and adjust plugin for your current WordPress theme. If you have programming skills then you will cope with this modification easily.
Best regards,