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  • I haven’t use it yet but I will instal it and test it out. ??

    I haven’t tried it yet either but it’s on my list of things to try, and learn how it works. Seems like a great CMS plugin concept. If you are the author of this plugin, thanks for your effort.



    I’m amongst people who wanted to try it, but did not understand the documentation. So, if the documentation could be rewritten with more straightforward demos, that would be perfect. ??

    (E.g. I want to connect “songs” to “albums” and “tours”)

    Thread Starter logikal16


    Alright, the documentation has (finally) been improved.



    This plugin has a learning curve is definitely worth putting in the time. The best WP CMS plugin yet.

    I’m about to try it out. Maybe it’s a bit more straight forward then flutter….. Time will tell.

    @tommiehansen – Pods is getting better with every release. If you want the freedom of endless possibilities, use Pods.

    Endless possibilities always sound nice however it often fail due to the fact that it also makes it endlessly possible to fail at simple tasks (not thinking about me now, more thinking about clients and their non-technical skills).

    I will make sure to keep an eye at your project though. ?? Non-stupid WP-plugins is always nice.

    Tommie Hansen | Mindescape

    @tommiehansen – Are your clients going to set up the site, or will you? If you are setting up the site, Pods has Roles built into it, so you can enable certain user groups to have access to only adding/editing/deleting Pod Items. This means, they won’t have access to these non-simple tasks, and they wouldn’t have any need to do this since clients with non-technical skills never should get full admin access in WordPress to begin with.

    Pods is getting more user-friendly and as simple as possible with every SVN revision, but we’ve still got a long way to go if clients are to build their own sites ??

    But that being said, most plugins that can do anything close to what Pods does, aren’t as simple or as clear cut. If you’ve got your developer hat on, then you can easily set up Pods on any site to fit any need you wish. Pods in essence, could replace any content plugin. I know from personal experience with looking at the source code and the scope of the project as a whole, that Pods can and already has been used to create Photo Galleries, Events Calendars, etc..

    If you ever need any help, or have any questions at all, I would be very happy to assist you. Matt (the main developer) and I (the main development contributor) are the resident experts on Pods and take a lot of time helping the community take advantage of the versatility that Pods offers to any Developer.

    Looks like I forgot to mention this, but it’s very important.

    The Pods community is great, we help each other work through questions and issues. It’s not just the developers you gain by using Pods, it’s the people who use Pods themselves for their own sites in which you gain to learn from. As more and more people use Pods, it will be come more and more user friendly and the documentation will only grow!

    After using it for only 2 months, I have to say that WordPress on Pods is quickly become my preferred choice to develop for the web. Kudos to all the wonderful folks making this such a great plugin!

    Hi there,

    I am (or was) working on a similar framework myself and found out pods the other day. Im testing it and have to say that I really enjoy it. I loved that the plugin actually create the tables for each pod – this is what I was looking for.

    The possibility of having relationships with WordPress elements and with other Pods are also beautiful… Really.. Congrats for the great work.

    Ill you give now my feedback, bringing some ideas I have been working on my CRUD plugin. The thing is I think a plugin like that shoud leave the possibility to developers to change things. The interface is great, but its important to have the possibility to do things that were not planned and are not available in the UI.

    What Im working on is totally developer driven, there is no UI, but simple php class you can invoke and create you CRUD passing a model. And the nice thing is that you can extend the php classes and modify the methods to you specific needs. This, added to lots of hooks in the core code, lets you extend and modify the default behavior very easily and with great power.

    Why Im telling this? Because I was thinking on improvements to Pods (the porpouse of this topic) and I will list them here… Chances are that I can put my effort on that if you guys think its a good idea.

    1. Hooks – Have hooks on the pods code so I can modify it to my needs in a per Pod basis.

    2. datatype File – Handle the file upload with wordPress’ media_handle_upload() and, when its an image, have the option to choose wich size you want to display when building your template.

    3. sortable – marking a Pod as sortable creates an extra column (item_order) wich is the default field that will be used to order the results. While browsing the content of the Pod, allow you to order items draggin them with jQuery.sortable

    4. datatype color – with a color picker

    5. Browsing – possibility to choose what fields will be displayed on the list (when the pod has its own menu on the admin); Make the table look more like the rest of WordPress admin area.

    I have been working with CMS sites for a while and I am new with WP. I looked at Pods a few weeks ago and couldn’t quite get how it works in real life. The documentation jumped to the details without clearly defining the concept (for me). Mike VanWinkle has some Terrific tutorials that got me down the road building with pods. Thanks Mike!

    I’m loving Pods so far. ?? As someone who has worked with Drupal quite a lot, I’m actually finding it a lot easier to create things in comparison to CCK… although, at the time of writing this, CCK has a lot more content types available.

    I’d really like to see an easy way to implement conditional statements in Pod Templates. Specially for fields that are not required so that they may be hidden from view.

    Valid XHTML would also be a plus as well.

    @bluedove – We are working on a new website that will be much more community-focused and part of it includes a solution to the problem you’re talking about with the Documentation being a bit developer-centric.

    @jetoile – We are launching a new website soon that will include a repository of examples, contributed by the community, Matt and I. That should help with giving you more code to work with.

    About the conditional statements in the Pod Templates, that’s already possible. We’ve enabled PHP in the Pod Templates so that you can easily do this, as well as using Display helpers which were already possible.

    What are you seeing that’s not valid XHTML?

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