Since you have experienced this error at my blog, I would say that it is no general problem of podPress. Maybe there is some inteference between podPress and one of your other plugins.
I have searched myself with a part error message “impossibile aprire il sito internet” and used Google Translate. I had found some forum threads about problems on the platform with a certain contact form widget. So maybe one of your other plugins causes problems with a certain IE version or Flash version which installed on your computers.
If open your page with Safari or Chrome and take a look into the error console they show an error. There is maybe something not right with the Flash title element of your blog. To determine if that is the problem, go to Site Admin > Appearance > Themes and open this page with the theme preview of e.g. the Twenty Ten theme. The header of this theme preview will not have this custom element and maybe not this error.
Furthermore the WP Slimstats plugin creates a bad line of code:
plugins/wp-slimstat/images/wp-slimstat-antipixel.png" width="80" height"15" alt="WP SlimStat"
(The = Character between height and “15” is missing.)
Maybe this is the cause. It seems to likely because your screenshot with the error message shows that a big part of the page is already loaded and this line is at the end of the source code of the page.
(The problems of podPress and WP 2.6 are already resolved.)
Since you had no problem loading the article on my blog, it seems very likely that the cause for the problem is not podPress. But one of the other elements in your blog. And because I have no problems to load the video pages of your blog even with the very deprecated IE6 leads me to the conclusion that one of the elements at the video pages of your blog causes an error maybe only in IE7 (and IE8 mobile) or that it has something to do with the browser plugins (like the Flash plugin) which are installed on your computers.
So please, make the test with the theme preview and the test while deactivating other plugins and update the plugins of your browsers.