• Resolved raymer


    I have installed the podpress 8.8.5 svn trunk on two domains running WP 3.0. In each case whenever I activate the plugin from the plugins page I get this error msg at the top of the admin page.

    Plugins Add New
    The plugin generated 2533 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

    This msg occurs everytime I deactivate/reactivate podpress. It has remained since sometime in the 8.8.5 betas until now.

    I noticed a new ‘PODPRESS_DEBUG_LOG’ constant in RC2 and I got it working on my system. Can you explain what I should dump to get a clue as to what unexpected output might be causing this?

    Both domains are running on FreeBSD on a shared hosting server and I have ssh access. Podpress seems to be working well and I’d like to get to the bottom of this error msg so I can start using the plugin on other sites.


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  • Thread Starter raymer


    I was disappointed because RC 2.3 still shows the warning on initialization. But after looking around more on Google I think I finally understand what is going on and I am pretty certain this warning can and should be ignored. After reading this post:
    I am now pretty sure that the error is showing because I am using PHP 5.2.13. The is_a() function was deprecated in PHP 5.0 and then as of 5.3 it was no longer deprecated (!)

    I think the WP developers removed is_a() from WP in 2.9.2 and then started using it again in WP 3.0 because it was no longer deprecated. So when my webhost upgrades to PHP 5.3+ the message should go away!

    The only think I can’t understand is why podpress is the only plugin I have that throws this error. I have over 10 other plugins active and podpress is the only one that does this. But I’m sure brighter minds than me can explain it ??

    Once again, thank you for your tireless work in keeping podpress alive and now I believe it is more stable than it has ever been. You should consider reposting your method of getting detailed error info in WP 3.0 as a separate post in the appropriate plugin developer section. I’m sure other plugin developers would benefit from it.


    Thread Starter raymer


    Oops I just re-read your BTW on your last post and realize that the trigger you were describing in the plugin is probably why that error was being passed up only on podpress. Anyway, I still don’t understand the podpress source code but I’m now confident (thanks to you) that this particular error msg is not an issue.


    Plugin Author ntm


    Hi Ray,

    I’m using PHP 5.3 as part of XAMPP 1.7.3 on my main test system and PHP 5.2.9 on the real server (undeuxoutrois.de/wp). I get no messages during the reactivation of podPress on both systems.

    But the status of the is_a() function in different PHP versions probably explains it. On the other hand messages on the plugins page may originate from themes. For instance the K2 theme (v1.0.3) uses obviously some inappropriate formulations. I had to switch to the new Twenty Ten to get only the messages of podPress.

    That you are still getting messages is to bad. Maybe it is ok to ignore them but the messages I have got were no PHP errors but errors which made the plugin work not correctly. So I would like to know whether there are more notices besides this is_a()-message (which can be ignored) on your system or not.
    In order to find that out: Could you please install and activate temporarily a little plugin which I called Print PHP Notices?
    Basically it is the function I have mentioned above. It prints all messages to log file.
    Could you please post these messages here?

    You can download this plugin here.

    If you run WP 3.0 and you get messages like “The plugin generated 2533 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.” then you can uses this plugin to print the original messages which have e.g. 2533 characters into a log file. (These messages might occur if you set the constant WP_DEBUG = TRUE.)


    • use ONLY with WP 3.0 (upcoming WP version might have build in such output function (see this proposition))
    • install and activate this plugin
    • insert in line 63 of /wp-admin/plugins.php the lines:
      if (function_exists("printphpnotices_var_dump")) {
    • (re-)activate the other plugin which causes the messages
    • look into the log file (printphpnotices_log.dat) which is in the folder of Print PHP Notices plugin

    What basically is in this tiny plugin:

    if ( ! defined( 'PRINTPHPNOTICES_DIR' ) ) { define( 'PRINTPHPNOTICES_DIR', WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/'.dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) ); }
    function printphpnotices_var_dump($var) {
    	// write the out put to the log file
    	$filename = PRINTPHPNOTICES_DIR.'/printphpnotices_log.dat';
    	if (is_file($filename)) {
    		chmod ($filename, 0777);
    		if ((filesize($filename)/1024) > 100) { unlink($filename); } // delete the Logfile if it is bigger than 100 kByte
    	$handle = fopen($filename, "a");
    	fputs($handle, var_export($var, TRUE)."\n");
    	$status = fclose($handle);
    	if (is_file($filename)) {chmod ($filename, 0644);}
    Thread Starter raymer


    Hi Tim,
    I installed the plugin and added the code. I think it helped me understand the problem. It is a permissions issue. My shared hosting server runs apache as a different user than my username and it does not have write permissions for the plugins dir. But in podpress_functions.php starting on line 887 the plugin tried to create a custom file for the XSPF_skin_file. These file writes and chmods are failing and that is what is triggering the errors. I haven’t been using the XSPF player so I haven’t noticed a problem with functionality but it looks like this file is created on plugin initialization if it is not present…

    Send me your email and I will mail you the error log file privately so I don’t expose my server info publically.

    ray (AT) raymercer.net

    Plugin Author ntm


    Hello Ray,

    Thank you for the log file!
    The messages are clear and your explanation with the different permissions of the different user(name)s sounds very reasonable.

    I have revised or more correct removed the function which tried to rewrite the XSPF skin file on plugin activation. I have made this function originally to recreate the old XSPF skin file after an automatic plugin upgrade. One way to define the width of the XSPF player is via the widgets settings. When you save the settings all width measures in the skin file will be changed and the file rewritten. But with an automatic plugin upgrade all old files are lost and the default skin file from the repository is made width the default width.

    Now, the consequence is that you need to save the XSPF player widgets settings manually after an automatic upgrade. I think this acceptable because it will be relevant for the first time with the next plugin version and maybe podPress 8.8.6 will have an improved version of this function which will also work on “Network Activate” in a multi site blogs.
    But until than I have to research some things which could take some time and it is probably more important to release 8.8.5 sooner than later.

    I have added to RC 3 also an additional custom error message which shows up when you try to save the XSPF player width in the widgets settings manually and you have not the permission to use chmod().


    Thread Starter raymer


    Hi Tim,
    This fixed it! I will mark this topic resolved because this has solved the original issue. I think showing a custom error msg is a good way to handle the permissions issue because then I can decide if I want to manually create the necessary file and give the webserver/PHP write permission for that file. This is how most plugins I have used work (for instance I had to manually give write permissions to the debug log plugin so it could create/write to that file).

    I plan to start using the XSPF widget on some sites in the future so I can tet it for you then.


    I’m running that version of Podpress on WP3.0.1 and having problems getting it to work in single post view. Think it too is a permission problem, maybe?

    Thread Starter raymer


    @john – what problems are you experiencing? If you are experiencing problems with the auto-detect size or length that might be permissions. A couple of versions had the PODPRESS_DEBUG_LOG variable in podpress.php set to TRUE and that caused podpress to try to create a logfile in the podpress directory. My server runs apache under a different username and since my podpress dir is not world-writable it caused problems. I recommend you dl and try the latest dev version (which at the moment is 8.8.6 beta 1) here:

    Tim has been fixing lots of bugs and the dev version works well for me. If you prefer to keep the version you are using, open up podpress.php and change the PODPRESS_DEBUG_LOG variable to FALSE. If that is not the problem post more details and I’ll try to help.


    Thread Starter raymer


    @john, I just read your other post and it doesn’t seem like a permissions problem. It looks like Tim understands your issue but can’t reproduce it. In that case it is important to give him as many details as possible. Your WP version is 3.0.1 but what version of podpress are you using and what settings to you have – especially in the general page. Here are the settings I use and it works well:

    But post the info in the other thread. I don’t think its related to this resolved issue…


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