[Plugin: PHPLeague for WordPress] PHPLeague – What are the features you want?
I saw that I didn’t think about many other options or they’re planned for the Premium version, so, I’m opening this thread in order to give you the chance to say what you want for the next release.
I’ll try to integrate as many things as possible if it makes sens. Don’t shout at me if I’m not answering straight away…
Don’t be shy ??
It would be nice to have actual table like a widget to see what team is leading and so on with a basic (editable? great!) game/win/loose/score/points. Put it on sidebar – yeah.
I really think lots of editable shortcodes for tables would be important.
Widgets are also essential for us. Let’s think of at least one with the full standings table. Next matches, previous matches, featured player, Maybe a list of clubs so people can click to link them to a club page.
Also what’s the scoop on club pages?.
Again as a quick reference of my dream plugin is something that does or at least tries to do the same soccerway has. Thanks for listening.
Also, a very important feature: “Please don’t abandon this. Please.”
Everything related to the players won’t be available in the Core Edition. I’ll add a table Widget in my next release (1.3.1 – just need to check how to do it…).
I’ve released a new version today with great new features, have a look in here: https://www.mika-web.com/phpleague-for-wp-demonstration/
Be pleased to know that the Premium will have the features you’re looking for. I’ll try to add the “5 last results” in the table for the next release but no promises.
I don’t plan to abandon that project especially when my own website will migrate soon on WordPress.
I don’t have a place to create leagues or teams. Am I missing something?
Do you have Javascript enabled? It’s REQUIRED in the backend but not in the front-end (none).
You’re supposed having 2 H3 titles on this page and you need to click on the first title called “New League” to display the input fields.
As the number of people accessing the backend is very limited, I thought it wasn’t an issue requiring jQuery to play it nicely for the plugin.
I do have Javascript enabled. It’s likely that this will be a conflict with another plugin. Many plugins these days have an option to choose the bundled version of jquery, either the one that comes with the plugin or the default wordpress bundle. You’d probably be wise to include it in yours as well.
Yeah, when I looked at your screenshot one more time I saw that JS was enabled. PHPLeague requires jQuery to be loaded first but I don’t precise any version (should work with 1.4+ without any issues though).
May I ask you how many plugins do you have? I do it the way it’s written in the documentation so I’m not sure what more I can do to avoid that issue. It’s likely that one of those has a javascript file “poorly” coded.
I’ll try to add my own jQuery version in the plugin but that’s not the right and clever way to do it in term of performance. As long as it’s only in the backend area, it’s not gonna kill anybody.
— EDIT —
Just saw that since the rewrite of my JS, I skipped the noConflict() mode but still, it doesn’t explain why because I’m using a wrapper and everything is inside even the jQuery ready method.
When you display the source, the JS from PHPLeague is before of after the jQuery code? Should be after but if it’s before it can explain why it doesn’t work but means that WP didn’t do his job right ??
Well, you’re the first one to tell me about that issue, hopefully, others will come helping me fixing this problem.
I have to commend you for doing this. This is a plugin that I believe, many are waiting for. Good work.
I am currently using the outdated LeagueManager plugin on my soccer league website (https://www.derbyleaguesoccer.com). It’s doing the job, painful at times but it’s working well. Some of the admin features are hard to work with, so I think this is where you need to spend most of your time.
Some Suggestions:
1. Stats. (you mentioned this possibly in a premium version)2. An external public page that team captains can submit their scores directly into the database causing table and stat updates; would be a welcome feature. It’s painful to have to update scores and stats each week, have team captains do it for you!
3. I don’t think you need confirmation messaging that tells you that things you didn’t input are optional. Users know this. Example — The website is not valid (optional).
4. When inputting a fixture date, I would hint text yyyy/mm/dd. Fixture means Match Day correct?
4. Widgets – Upcoming fixtures, last scores, top scorers etc.
5. “Top” Stats — top scorers, top points etc etc
Great Start!!!
No more Premium Edition anymore. I’m developing for free…donation will be accepted though ??
Didn’t want to sell a product without being able to provide a great customer support like some other people do.
Stats will be coming in the future releases.
I might create a new role (team_captain as you said) to let other people than the administrators do the update ( I agree it’s painful but required ).
Confirmation message are important to me ( helped me to develop properly ) and help other users to better understand the plugin.
Hints are now available in my next release (1.4.0). No release date, yet!
I’m currently working on adding a “basic” table in the widget area as a first test on my side and should be follow by many others.
ps: Fixture = Day ( use by the Premier League official websites )
I just read the latest update on your site, awesome.
I have phpleague running on my local setup, and would be happy to help test and troubleshoot anything to help. Would be happy to donate some funds also!
I’m looking forward to the next release!
GianniCouldn’t access my data during last week but everything’s fine now. I’ll release a 1.4.0 this week with the new features.
Been waiting for someone to develop something similar to this for a long long long long time and hope you can keep this project alive. I’ve been using a company called esportsdesk for quite some time and while it does a good job I never have access to where my site is hosted and the system is very template themed. Having the ability to create my own site and own design with this plugin would be a HUGE benefit.
Some things from personal experience from using that system would be (and some have been mentioned)
1. Widgets, team standings, league leaders (stats), player(s) of the week/month etc, a schedule/latest results widget.
2. Agreed with what was mentioned about setting it up so users of each team can login and update the scores. What we have set up with our league is the home team of the scheduled game inputs the gamesheet into the website and each has their own user/pass to do so.
3. I havent had a chance to install this locally but on our schedule played after the game details have been entered the date then becomes a hyperlink and leads to the game details. It’s a nice feature, that or a link in the table next to the game in question saying details.
Those are just some of the things I can think of off the top of my head. I see great potential in this plugin and am surprised no one has took it upon themselves to do so. As hard as it is I hope that it wont be designed with one sport in mind (I see a lot of Soccer references). I currently run about 4 hockey sites and have been waiting for something solid like this to come along, but so many sports have different scoring systems. We have 2 points for a win (regulation, OT, or shootout), 1 point for shootout or OT loss, and none for regulation loss.
I think if you can find a way to accommodate a bunch of sports you’ll have a sure winner here.
Most of those (all?) things that you need are needed by almost every body so it’s gonna be available soon.
I’m going on holidays very soon but I hope that I might release this 1.4.0 (mostly bug fixes, UI improvements, new database tables installation, code improvements, 1st widget available, etc..) at the end of this week.
Players and Predictions Modules will be available but still in an early phase of development, better not to use those options in production environment.
Here is the link to a post presenting the coming release : https://www.phpleague.com/phpleague-for-wp-1-4-0-on-his-way/
People can participate in the discussion, give feedback and ideas. You can also find some screenshots for the 1.4.x branch.
Should be available this Sunday in direct live from London ??
I need your ideas to launch the Players module with Football…
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